964 Results

AI infrastructure


Telefonica and Facebook have joined forces to launch an open access wholesale rural mobile infrastructure operator, Internet para Todos (IpT) Peru, together with IDB Invest (Inter-American Investment Corporation) and CAF (Development Bank of Latin America). The project aims to bring faster mobile Internet to rural markets and consequently bridge the digital divide in Latin America. An estimated 20 percent of the Latin American population, which is around 100 million people, lack sufficient access to mobile broadband and therefore are deprived of enjoying the benefits offered by the digital economy. “Our new approach will leverage our network as a service to bridge the digital divide as fast as possible while providing any mobile network operator access to rural markets,” said Teresa Gomes, Managing director of Internet para Todos. “Our goal now is to launch and scale the project in Peru and prove what’s possible to the rest of Latin…

ZTE Corporation and Intel have jointly launched the Light Cloud platform for access networks at the 5G Summit being held at Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona. The Light Cloud solution is based on Intel’s innovative Edge products, impeccably integrated into ZTE’s flagship optical fiber access platform, Titan, thus merging Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and Network function virtualization (NFVI). The solution employs lightweight blade servers equipped with Intel Xeon D processors. When embedded in an OLT or BRAS device, the blade servers transform it into lightweight cloud infrastructure, thus reducing high capital costs and making a positive environmental impact. The infrastructure opens up computing and storage possibilities based on telecom access equipment, and allows the deployment and distribution of application-sensitive services. The access layer with cloud features is supported by built-in blade servers, and facilitates the ability to offer a wide range of cloud applications and services, including…

The global organization representing the interests of mobile network operators, GSMA, has called for European governments to “safeguard network security and competition” in the telecommunications infrastructure industry. The association has issued a warning to Europe to refrain from activities that would obstruct the use of certain equipment necessary for 5G mobile network development. According to the GSMA, “Actions that disrupt the equipment supply for the various segments of the network (access, transport and core) will increase costs to European operators, businesses and citizens; delay 5G deployment by years across Europe and potentially also jeopardise the functioning of existing 4G networks upon which 5G is intended to be built.” Although no specific company names are mentioned in the statement, the GSMA initiative highlights the industry’s significant endeavor to prevent the application of additional sanctions, similar to those announced by the United States and Australian governments on Chinese vendors Huawei…

Smart infrastructure company Boston Networks has announced the launch of an Internet of Things (IoT) network for Scotland at the Glasgow Science Centre. During the first stage of the IoT Scotland program, Glasgow will get 22 long range wide-area network (LoRaWAN) gateways. This will provide 99 percent of the required coverage, making the city the most LoRA-covered in the UK, “with the potential to become the smartest”. IoT Scotland will manage a wireless sensor network to collect data from and exchange that data between compatible IoT devices, and transmit the information without the need for mobile phone or Wi-Fi connectivity. The initiative will enable businesses and public sector organisations to develop new and innovative applications, supporting the expansion of smart places throughout the country. Falk Bleyl, Chief technology officer at Boston Networks, said, “We are excited to be leading this pioneering project to build and operate the IoT…

Telstra, the largest Australian telecommunication company, has announced the launch of a new rapid restoration service for one of its busiest subsea cable routes in Asia. The company has joined forces with Ericsson and Ciena to ensure that their customers stay continuously connected. The solution offers carriers and cloud service providers increased network visibility, flexibility and reliable data access. Nadya Melic, Telstra’s head of Connectivity and Platforms, said the new service is now available on three of its intra-Asia routes, following the successful tests carried out in December 2018. “The Asian region presents one of the most challenging environments for subsea cable systems. Busy and shallow shipping ports in Hong Kong and Singapore, high-levels of fishing activity and an ecosystem prone to natural disasters, all threaten to disrupt or damage underwater infrastructure,” said Melic. The new rapid restoration service on the subsea network will be provided using…

The networking and telecommunications company Ericsson and Germany’s largest network provider Deutsche Telekom, have announced that together they are the first to successfully demonstrate a wireless transmission on the mmWave spectrum, that can transfer data four times faster than currently existing services.  The achievement of the data transmission rate of 40 Gbps with a latency of under 100 microseconds is a considerable advancement towards the fulfilment of stringent latency requirements of 5G, and the anticipated 100 Gbps backhaul networking. Per Narvinger, Head of Product Area Networks, Ericsson, said: “Microwave continues to be a key technology for mobile transport by supporting the capacity and latency requirements of 4G and future 5G networks. Our joint innovation project shows that higher capacity microwave backhaul will be an important enabler of high-quality mobile broadband services when 5G becomes a commercial reality.” A backhaul is an intermediate link between the core network and…

As a whole, the telecommunications industry has been traditionally male-dominated. However, the trend is rapidly changing as this business sector becomes increasingly augmented with talented women having profound knowledge and skills, and influencing an industry where high-ranking female officials were a rarity until recently. Here is the list of the top ten women in the telecommunications industry, selected for their technical and business know-how, extensive experience, leadership and most significantly, their influence. Michelle Bourque Michelle Bourque is Senior Vice President, Product, Marketing and Access Strategy for BCE Nexxia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bell Canada. The company provides wholesale services, including voice, broadband, hosting and co-location, and IP connectivity. As the leader of a team of product and marketing professionals, Michelle has introduced innovation and fresh perspectives to the wholesale marketing and product divisions. According to Michelle, women already have a significant presence in the telecoms sector, and…

Today, 14th November 2018, the European Parliament is expected to vote on the final approval of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), which digs deeper into the EU’s telecom regulatory context. This reform paves the way for new fibre and 5G networks, and also expands the level of consumer protection available to the subscribers of telecom and OTT services. The EU officials first presented the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy in May 2015, and the following year they introduced a connectivity agenda with proposals for the telecom sector. The DSM strategy contains diverse subjects, including support for cross-border e-commerce, prevention of geo-blocking, expansion on EU policies for the cloud, AI and competitiveness. The key legislation for the DSM must be completed by May 2019. It will presumably assist in reaching the new targets for broadband connectivity set by the Commission for 2025: gigabit speeds for digital businesses and public…

A German mobile network testing company, Rohde & Schwarz, have announced in their recent press release the upcoming launch of the first commercially available 5G New Radio (NR) measurement solution. The product will be displayed at the Mobile World Congress Americas taking place from 12 to 14 September, 2018 in Los Angeles. This pioneering developer of test and measurement equipment for 5G will present their 5G NR network measurement solution, that allows 5G users and regulators to measure 5G NR network coverage accurately. In addition, users will have the ability to verify the correct operation of beamforming and interworking between 5G and other technologies. This new solution consists of a network scanner with 5G NR scanning software, and the unique R&S ROMES4 Drive Test Software suite. Users will have two options for the test scanners: the compact R&S TSME6 Drive Test Scanner, or the R&S TSMA6 Autonomous Mobile Network Scanner…

At the recent Sino-German Economic Forum, China Mobile and Nokia signed a one year framework agreement valued at 1.36 billion euro (9.927 billion yuan) to support the Chinese operator’s transition to 5G infrastructure, while maintaining seamless connectivity. Under this agreement, the Finnish corporation will be providing the Chinese telecom with cutting edge end-to-end technologies for the next generation network, in addition to mobile, fixed, IP routing, optical transport and customer experience management technologies along with their service expertise and support. The two companies have been in partnership since 1994, when Nokia supported the first GSM call on China Mobile’s network. In addition to collaborating on 5G, both companies are moving forward together and have agreed to conduct research and tests on artificial intelligence and machine learning. “This is a highly significant agreement with our longstanding partner that consolidates Nokia’s position as a leading provider of next-generation technologies and services in…