


The world’s top smartphone manufacturer, Samsung, has provided the first tantalizing glimpse of their very real, foldable phone at the Samsung Developer Conference 2018 in San Francisco. This advancement in display technology has been widely discussed throughout the year, and Samsung has finally revealed their highly-anticipated version of the technology called the Infinity Flex Display. “When it’s open, it’s a tablet offering a big screen experience. When closed, it’s a phone that fits neatly inside your pocket,” explained the senior vice president of Mobile Product Marketing at Samsung, Justin Denison, while demonstrating the device. The prototype boasts a 7.3-inch tablet display that can be folded over and over again without any signs of wear or degradation. The device is supported by the Android OS, allowing users to run up to 3 applications simultaneously, driving smartphone functionality to the next level. “The Infinity Flex Display represents an entirely…