1562 Results



Opensignal’s report shows T-Mobile leads in US 5G availability.
Google has reversed its decision to phase out tracking cookies. Businesses rapidly adopting generative AI face long-term infrastructure and security challenges. EdgeCore Digital Infrastructure plans to build a new data center. Nokia’s Broadband Easy Connect uses AI and cloud technology to streamline fibre connections.

SonicWall’s CSE is offering secure, cost-effective remote and internet access for cloud migrations. Alphabet is negotiating to acquire cybersecurity firm Wiz for $23 billion. Cresta’s 2024 State of the Agent Report shows U.S. contact center agents are enthusiastic about generative AI. Spanish trade unions have accepted Zegona Communications’ revised workforce reduction plan for Vodafone Spain.

ARG’s AI-Enabled Communications Market Insights & Decision Guide, reveals that businesses expect AI to impact their roles. A survey by Next DLP found that 73% of security professionals used unauthorized SaaS apps. The University of Sheffield’s National 6G Radio Systems Facility aims to establish the U.K. as a leader in 6G technology. Brazil’s telecom regulator Anatel has issued 66 licenses for private 5G networks.