


The idea of networking with and meeting people is not everyone’s cup of tea, especially if you find yourself simultaneously wishing to drown in a vat of chocolate and avoid big crowds. But networking isn’t difficult – it just takes practice to get good at. So how can you become a networking Jedi? There’s a subtle art to networking, and this isn’t something you can learn in an article. However, there are several tips and tricks you can use to up your networking game instantly. In this piece, we take a closer look at the key factors that contribute to becoming a networking pro. What is networking and why is it important? Business networking refers to the practice of developing mutually beneficial relationships with other entrepreneurs and future clients or customers. Networking may help you find employment, attract investors, and even secure clients. This art allows you to tap into…

The ability to cope with pressure in the workplace is a much needed skill. Pressure is an integral part of every day, whether that pressure is a minor, routine inconvenience, or a huge burden that lasts for a long time. No matter what your job is, at some point you will definitely experience some level of pressure at work. This can happen occasionally, such as when a company is going through a significant transition, or it can be a part of your daily job. Nevertheless, pressure control is of great importance – otherwise you could burn out!

Stress is usually caused by the desperate feeling of things getting out of control, a situation quite common in the rapidly and constantly advancing VoIP industry. Whether you are a VoIP engineer or business developer, sales or technical support representative, stress can catch up with you in any position or situation. Pressure to meet a deadline or complete a challenging task, or to always be on your peak performance level can lead to unbearable tension. According to the American Institute of Stress, 8 out of 10 Americans experience stress at work, and 1 out of 5 workers have even quit their jobs due to workplace stress. While small doses of stress can help achieve breakthroughs, accelerate personal and company growth, and even increase motivation, excess stress can affect one’s ability to concentrate, diminish confidence and cause fatigue. In addition, stress can manifest itself in physical symptoms, such as…