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Xavier Neil, the French telecom magnate, is seeking financing to acquire the remaining 80% of Latin American telecom group Millicom through his investment vehicle, Atlas. The move was disclosed after media reports surfaced, prompting an official statement from Atlas Investissement. The statement confirmed that Atlas is exploring a cash tender offer for Millicom, aiming for a purchase price of $24 per share.

In an evocative change for the telecom industry, French magnate Xavier Niel is looking to buy Datagroup-Volia, Ukraine’s top fixed telecom and pay TV provider. This big move, in the works through Niel’s NJJ company, comes complete with regulatory approval. The Ukrainian firm is a significant player, controlled primarily by a fund run by Horizon Capital.

In a groundbreaking move, Iliad and Vodafone are set to join forces in a strategic merger that has gained unanimous support from Iliad’s board of directors and its primary shareholder, Xavier Niel. The proposal aims to amalgamate Iliad’s ‘innovative approach to connectivity, affordability, and digital inclusivity’ with Vodafone’s expertise in the business-to-business (B2B) sector.

Luxembourg’s Prime Minister and SK Telecom have inked an agreement, initiating a strategic collaboration to advance the quantum tech ecosystem. Connexion between this MoU and an earlier South Korean – Luxembourg agreement hints towards a momentous ‘quantum Internet of Things’. Meanwhile, telecom operators globally look to leverage quantum technology’s disruptive potential towards traditional data security protocols. SK Telecom, recognized for its pioneering quantum work, also boosts its pursuit in the AI realm, underlined by a significant investment in AI firms.

The France-based Iliad Group has carved a unique path in the European telecommunications landscape, touting its “Iliad way” as the driving force behind its outperformance in the three key markets of France, Italy, and Poland. Iliad reported impressive group organic revenue growth, with France contributing 7.7%, Italy 12.2%, and Poland 5.6% for the first half of 2023.

The European Commission has given Orange Belgium permission to purchase 75% of the capital, less one share, of VOO SA. The decision, which was made public on March 21, allows Orange Belgium to proceed with the proposed acquisition and strengthens the business’s convergent multigigabit strategy on a national scale.   Orange Belgium’s undertakings, according to the European Commission, completely resolve the competition issues discovered during the purchase process. On completion of the acquisition, Orange Belgium hopes to run a high-speed network across Wallonia and a portion of Brussels.   The company’s ambitious investment strategy, along with the combined personnel talent and knowledge of VOO and Orange, is anticipated to raise the standard of services provided to clients and boost competition in the Walloon and Brussels areas.   Xavier Pichon, Chief Executive Officer at Orange Belgium, expressed his satisfaction with the European Commission’s decision: “We are thrilled by the decision of…

Telecom Italia (TIM) has inked a deal with the Italian branch of Xavier Niel’s Iliad to co-invest in TIM’s last-mile grid firm FiberCop in order to accelerate the deployment of fiber broadband lines in Italy.   Under the terms of the agreement with TIM, Iliad will co-invest in FiberCop to assist in the development of the network that connects street cabinets to people’s houses. Iliad will receive access to Telecom Italia’s core fiber network, allowing it to provide ultrafast fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) connections to clients.   According to TIM, the agreement validated FiberCop’s investment strategy, which aims to link 75 percent of Italy’s so-called grey and black zones, including cities and industrial districts, with FTTH connections at speeds of more than 1 gigabyte per second by 2025. The agreement’s financial terms were not disclosed.   According to analysts, the FiberCop agreement might help TIM counter some of the heightened competitive pressure…