1663 Results



The GSMA and the European Space Agency are planning a collaboration to further integrate satellite and cellular technologies. This new alliance promises to bring non-terrestrial networking (NTN) into the market mainstream, a significant step, previously signaled by NTN’s inclusion in the 3GPP’s 5G standards. With eyes set for integration in future 6G networks, this collaborative endeavor aims to advance unique solutions for businesses and consumers. It’s an astounding opportunity that potentially could yield a high-growth market worth $18 billion between 2024 and 2031.

Unveiling a battery and solar-powered 5G site in Texas, Ericsson demonstrates an innovative and eco-friendly approach to creating energy-smart network solutions. This next-generation site not only offers enhanced energy management, potentially trimming operational expenses and reducing energy consumption, but also hints at lucrative future revenue streams from selling excess power. As Ericsson continues to explore greener alternatives, it’s intriguing to see how telecom companies worldwide will adopt this sustainable model.

Fibre builder Wildanet’s expansion into the Devon region could fuel an estimated economic surge of £1 billion by 2030, primarily through Gigabit-capable broadband, according to a new Curia report. This ambitious outlook, however, hinges on universal access to Gigabit broadband by 2030, a significantly higher benchmark than Wildanet’s initial target of reaching 25,000 premises. The firm’s dedication to end the digital disparity in rural Devon is so far supported by over 60,000 wireless connections, and plans to add 50,000 more by 2023. Meanwhile, additional funds from Gresham House could expedite the broadband rollout, making digital inclusion a tangible reality, even in the most remote locations. Despite this, digital desolation persists, with nearly 78,000 Devon inhabitants having never experienced internet access.

Telecom alliance Alaian is partnering with chip manufacturer Qualcomm to empower start-ups specializing in Extended Reality (XR). The alliance, comprising of seven telecom giants along with towerco Cellnex, targets initiatives involving metaverse, virtual platforms, and various services or applications from all over the globe. Despite a lukewarm response to the metaverse and the disappearance of mixed reality from the limelight, the conglomerate remains optimistic. Future XR experiences can greatly benefit from the expertise and resources provided by co-operating with Qualcomm.

As the UK’s fibre landscape intensifies with rising competition, leading players are racing to expand gigabit-capable broadband nationwide. Noteworthy, alternative network providers, referred to as “AltNets”, are displaying proactive strategies to swiftly deploy networks. On the other hand, traditional companies are recognising opportunities in fibre rollout, as seen in Openreach’s pricing approach of their wholesale lines.

Dive into the world of high-speed internet connectivity with over 500,000 premises now experiencing 10Gbps speeds using XGS PON fibre infrastructure and welcome news of future expansion plans. A remarkable achievement for Netomnia, this latest success marks just the beginning of their journey towards connecting one million homes by 2024. Central to these ambitions is the goal to cater to underserved rural and less-resourced sectors, revolutionising connection experiences across the UK.

Telefonica and Entel are poised to merge their fiber infrastructure in Peru, with KKR being the expected majority stakeholder, following Telefonica’s previous success in other Latin American markets. This move anticipates significant expansion of Peru’s high-speed connectivity by leveraging KKR’s successful fiber ventures in Chile and Colombia, amidst the industry’s race to a digitally-empowered future. Details of the deal remain discreet as it awaits regulatory approval.

Ningbo, a vibrant economic hub in China, is transforming into a smart manufacturing center, committing itself to superior digital infrastructure. The heart of this strategy encompasses a six-layered approach focused on efficient information transmission that fosters industry digitization. With established leadership in 5G industrial internet, and over 600 private networks already deployed, the city provides a gateway to the digital future. Innovation extends beyond large corporations, with solutions ranging from on-premise to lightweight 5G private networks, thus catering to businesses of all sizes. The impact is far-reaching and the future, promising, as China Mobile Ningbo aims to address industry-specific challenges with targeted 5G solutions.

Ericsson plans a €155 million investment for a smart manufacturing hub in Tallinn, Estonia. BT will reduce its workforce by 1,100 at Adastral Park while investing in modernization. Cellnex acquires full control of OnTower Poland, expanding its tower portfolio. Unicon launches an enhanced partner program for resellers in end-user computing. NEC introduces a generative AI service to drive business transformation.