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Since VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology has been commercially available, most of the marketing and promotion surrounding its features have been aimed at front-office staff and managers. However, back-office workers also greatly benefit from the VoIP business system, and although it’s not often stressed, it is also a solid selling point for VoIP. Back-office workers are the network engineers who design, install, support and maintain information-technology environments inside a business. So what exactly are the benefits for them and how do these advantages contribute to their efficiency and that of the business? Design Advantages When moving into a new facility the first thing technology engineers consider is the cable plant design. VoIP technology offers many options when designing and budgeting the process, such as letting you run one line to the phone. With a computer jack plugged in the VoIP phone, the connection to the computer is established, effectively reducing…

The term net neutrality, which pops up in Internet debate every few years, is the belief that all data on the Internet should be treated the same way by the Internet service providers (ISPs) and governments that regulate most of the Internet. The term suggests that there should be no discrimination and prices should not depend on user, content, website, platform, or application. There is always an uproar about the subject every time the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) submits a new rule on the topic, but then the matter quickly fades away. This ongoing cycle has resulted in tired businesses and consumers that have become insensitive towards the issue. However, they must not forget that most businesses now rely on the Internet for various workflows, and therefore any changes in the rules of net neutrality can significantly affect the VoIP industry and way companies function, particularly VoIP providers, since they…

The 2017 IP EXPO Europe was the greatest IT conference of the year for CIOs, heads of IT, security specialists, heads of insight, tech experts and organizations looking to innovate and evolve through technology. Focusing on six IT themes, the event’s 12th edition brought together more than 300 exhibitors from different parts of the technology sector and 300 free seminar sessions at ExCel in London on 4 and 5 of October. Across both days, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the main topic of discussion, with Stuart Russell, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkley and AI-pioneer providing powerful insights on the reality of AI and whether or not we, as humans, should be concerned about its evolution. “It seems very likely that at some point we will have machines that are more intelligent than human beings,” said Professor Russell in one of his presentations. However, AI wasn’t the…