111 Results

European Commission


United Group’s series of acquisitions in Bulgarian telecommunications raises intrigue, drawing attention especially from vigilant industry veterans like A1 Group and PPF Group. The tacit consent of the Bulgarian Commission on Protection of Competition allowing Vivacom to absorb Networks-Bulgaria and six other telecom firms, potentially empowers Vivacom with unprecedented control over TV distribution and the ISP market.

Delving into the realm of advanced AI, SK Telecom elevates its AI service ‘A.’, boasting features crafted around user preferences. The upgraded version introduces AI agents with unique personalities, promising each user a personalized experience. Working hand in hand with Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI, SKT’s AI capabilities now consist of a Large Language Model, designed to comprehend intricate conversation details for insightful dialogues.

EU Contemplates 5G Vendor Ban Amid Huawei Funding Debate The European Union is debating whether to ban certain companies from their 5G networks due to security concerns. Huawei, the company most affected by the potential ban, is receiving funding of around €3.89 million from the EU for research in areas like 6G, AI, and cloud computing under the Horizon Europe research program. Horizon Europe is the EU’s main research and innovation initiative, with a proposed budget of €12.8 billion in 2024. The EU is worried about member countries, especially Germany, being slow to restrict the use of “high-risk” vendors. Analysts suggest that stricter measures from Germany would greatly impact Huawei’s presence in Europe. Read the full article European Commission Targets Google’s Adtech Dominance with Statement of Objections The European Commission has raised concerns about Google’s control of the digital advertising ecosystem and issued a Statement of Objections against the tech…

Open RAN Revenue Growth Slows Global Open RAN revenues saw a 10-20 percent growth in Q1 2023, while the vRAN market expanded by 20-30 percent, according to Dell’Oro’s report. However, this growth is slower than the previous year, mainly due to a decline in North America. The Asia Pacific region performed well and offset the North American decline. Despite the slowdown, Dell’Oro remains optimistic about Open RAN, expecting it to account for 6-10 percent of the global RAN market in 2023. On the other hand, Dell’Oro has lowered its full-year outlook for multi-access edge computing (MEC) by over 20 percent, citing a slowdown in China’s 5G market and subdued enterprise interest. Read the full article. Cisco Partners with the Greater Manchester Digital Security Hub Cisco has partnered with the Greater Manchester Digital Security Hub (DiSH) to enhance cybersecurity in the region. Cisco’s Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) program will focus on…