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French researchers are starting to work on the blockchain! Inria, Télécom ParisTech, Télécom SudParis and SystemX signed a framework agreement on Tuesday March 6th, to coordinate their research efforts in the blockchain area. Called “Bart” (Blockchain Advanced Research & Technologies), this initiative will last for six years and will mobilize thirty researchers. Its aim is to remove the technological barriers that slow down the deployment of blockchain-driven data storage, a technology which is currently attracting the interest of many industries. Three main challenges will be addressed: 1 – Scaling up In one second, six or seven transactions took place on the Bitcoin blockchain, versus several thousand for the Visa credit card system. This slowness limits the use of the blockchain on a larger scale. The problem is due to the validation technique required for transactions, with transactions being grouped into blocks that must be validated by a computer calculation process called mining. Typically, it takes about…

If you are working or interested in the VoIP technology industry and looking for some insights,  tips, and trends on the market- then these are the 10 VoIP specialists in that you should be paying attention to on social networks. The slideshow below gives you a short biographical summary of each expert. For more information and links to their social media profiles, please scroll down. [cycloneslider id=”top-ten”] Jeff Keni Pulver – VoIP Market Specialist and Entrepreneur The North American Internet entrepreneur, Jeff Keni Pulver, is the co-founder of some of the best-known companies in the VoIP market, such as Free World Dialup, MoNage, Vonage, and the Zula application. As a well-known expert and pioneer in the VoIP market, Pulver is now hosting several events focused on the future of communication, including the use of bots. In addition, he has been investing in numerous startups related to the sector. LinkedIn: /in/jpulver…