


BYOC, or Bring Your Own Carrier, is a cost-effective approach for businesses seeking greater control over their VoIP services. This comprehensive guide explains the concept, advantages, and considerations of BYOC in VoIP. It offers insights into cost savings, global coverage, control, and flexibility, helping businesses make informed decisions to optimize their voice services while cutting costs.

There are more and more businesses that are disposing of traditional telephone infrastructure and migrating to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services because of the numerous advantages that VoIP offers. If your organization is making the switch to VoIP, you are going to want to select a VoIP carrier that can provide the services your business requires and deserves. There are many opportunities to make mistakes when choosing a cloud provider, and not paying attention to some pertinent issues can lead to complications and unforeseen expenses later on. To make sure you start off correctly, we have compiled a list of mistakes you need to avoid making when choosing your VoIP provider, so that you will find yourself a reliable partner whose pros far outweigh any cons.Choosing a VoIP service provider at random is very risky. A reliable phone system will not only make you look professional, but…

Two of the main key players in South African mobile operators, MTN and Vodacom, have shown interest in investing in the Ethiopian company Ethio Telecom. Both companies have invested in many countries on the continent. Ethiopia was not one of them as the government wanted to keep this sector under its control. But their policy is changing and they have decided to consider opening Ethio Telecom’s capital to investors. According to MTN, “Ethiopia presents many exciting telecommunication opportunities and we look forward to further discussions with that nation’s authorities on potential partnerships and opportunities.” and Vodacam stated that it “has said on many occasions that Ethiopia is an attractive market so it follows that there would be interest. Naturally this is dependent on what might become available and if it fits within our investment parameters.” Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopian new Prime Minister, came to power with promises of reforms. This policy…