


The Philippine telecommunications operator PLDT Inc. and Orange International Carriers, a division within Orange’s wholesale arm, have announced a partnership agreement for international voice aggregation services. According to the terms of the agreement, Orange will handle all international inbound traffic terminating on the networks of PLDT and its wireless subsidiary Smart Communications, Inc. Emmanuel Rochas, Chief Executive Officer of International Carriers at Orange, said, “Orange is proud that PLDT has selected Orange to provide support and protect market value for the future and we are delighted to enter into this partnership. I look forward to working alongside PLDT to embrace the market evolution and I am confident that this partnership will develop to our mutual benefit.” In a statement to the press, Orange said that its expertise will help PLDT manage the operator’s global partner portfolio, and its sales team will support PLDT during the implementation of various voice…

China’s Huawei Technologies has launched new database and storage products with the aim of redefining its data infrastructure and strengthening the global presence of its cloud business. The world’s first AI-native database GaussDB supports differentiated scenarios such as private and public clouds and data services in the finance, internet, logistics and automotive sectors. Huawei’s FusionStorage 8.0 is claimed to be the industry’s best-performing distributed storage solution for supporting enterprise applications. “Humanity is entering the age of an intelligent world,” said David Wang, Huawei Executive Director of the Board and President of ICT Strategy and Marketing. “Data is the new factor of production, and intelligence the new productivity. Heterogeneous, intelligent, and converged databases will become the key data infrastructure of the financial, government, and telecoms industries.” With this new database management product, the Shenzhen-based company marks its official entry into the database field and places itself in direct competition with…