


CSPs have been investing heavily in network technology to reduce expenses, but legacy voice infrastructure is holding them back. Cloud transformation can deliver better customer experiences, reduce costs, and increase scalability. AI will change customer engagement and revenue generation, with GenAI offering SMBs deep analytics from customer conversations. CSPs should focus on a modern, digital-first customer experience with self-service options. Alianza offers a cloud communications platform to simplify migration and operations for CSPs.

Darryll Dewan, CEO of Total Site Solutions (TSS), unveils the dynamic landscape of data centers in 2024. TSS’s report highlights key trends: modular data centers’ rise, heightened security needs, sustainability emphasis, and the widening skills gap. Dewan emphasizes adaptability amid AI-driven shifts, underscoring the need for proactive planning and collaboration.

In the realm of mobile communication, Virginie Debris stands as a seasoned expert, navigating the evolution from ringtones to Rich Communication Services (RCS). With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, she recently captivated audiences at Mobile World Congress, delving into RCS’s transformative potential. In this exclusive interview, Virginie sheds light on her journey and shares invaluable insights into the future of messaging.

Andrew Hollister, LogRhythm’s Chief Information Security Officer, highlights the ongoing struggle in cybersecurity: despite years of talk, the problem remains unsolved. Looking ahead to 2024, he points out challenges like the rise of generative AI and the need for better cloud security. He emphasizes that focusing on basics like strong passwords and regular updates is crucial for staying safe online.

Neterra, a telecommunications trailblazer for nearly three decades, recently secured the prestigious ‘Best Central & Eastern European Carrier’ award at the Global Carrier Awards 2023. In an exclusive interview with Svetoslava Bancheva, the PR and Digital Communications Manager, Neterra’s evolution from providing Bulgaria’s first internet connection to becoming a global telecom solution provider unfolds. Svetoslava highlights pivotal milestones, including running submarine cables under the Danube River and the establishment of the Sofia Data Center.

In 2024, the telecom industry is witnessing a transformative shift driven by evolving customer needs, technological advancements, and environmental concerns. Key trends include the rise of self-service platforms, the migration to VoIP as PSTN becomes obsolete, standalone 5G networks taking center stage, AI integration for enhanced connectivity, and a strong commitment to sustainability. These trends are reshaping how telecom carriers operate and innovate, promising new opportunities in a rapidly changing landscape.

In the dynamic landscape of tech and geopolitics, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face crucial challenges. In 2024, CIOs can embrace Generative AI, integrating it ethically to enhance customer experiences. Holistic Diversity and sustainable practices, such as adopting green IT, become imperative. Aligning processes for scalable growth through composability and bridging vision with execution underscore the transformative role of CIOs in fostering innovation, diversity, and eco-friendly solutions.

As businesses adapt to the demands of today’s fast-paced environment, this article explores the 10 indispensable features that can transform a business phone system into a strategic asset. From VoIP capabilities and mobile integration to unified communication, CRM software integration, and advanced call routing, discover how these features enhance internal operations, optimize customer interactions, and contribute to improved efficiency, productivity, and customer experiences.

The race for 5G supremacy is intense, and LexisNexis IPlytics explores the landscape in their 2023 report. CEO Tim Pohlmann notes a significant surge in 5G patents, with the top 10 players owning 76% of declared patent families. The US leads in patent volume, followed by China and Europe. Huawei dominates the top 50 ranking. Pohlmann emphasizes the role of Chinese companies, particularly Huawei, in shaping the 5G sector, extending their influence to the automotive industry

Switching to a cloud-based VoIP system has the potential to cut CO2 emissions from telephony equivalent to removing 22 million cars from the road. In an era prioritizing sustainability, traditional landlines contribute to significant carbon footprints and electronic waste. VoIP, utilizing the internet’s power, eliminates physical infrastructure, reduces electronic waste, and operates efficiently. Beyond resource conservation, VoIP’s energy efficiency, support for remote work, and future innovations, including AI optimization and renewable energy sources, position it as a sustainable solution. Join the movement for a cleaner world with every VoIP-powered conversation—a pledge to the planet.