


The metaverse, a product of today’s Internet, is being welcomed as the next phase of communications, promising superior online experiences in a shared virtual world. Some have dubbed it as the “Internet on steroids,” since instead of merely reading text and viewing videos, individuals would be able to participate in virtual realms thanks to technology like 3D and artificial intelligence. The metaverse, one of the trendiest tech buzzwords at the moment, promises a future in which the virtual and real worlds are intricately linked. So, what role will telecommunications companies play in this possible future? What is the metaverse? The Metaverse – a combination of “meta” (beyond) and “verse” (universe) – sounds like something out of a science fiction novel. And that is actually the case. The term “Metaverse” first appeared in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. However, the science fiction metaverse and the Metaverse envisioned by Facebook (now…

It has been over a year since organizations rushed from the traditional office to a virtual workplace due to the coronavirus. The transition from office to home leads to other changes: many of us now communicate much more often in the virtual world, rather than face-to-face, which means that nonverbal communications are now more important than ever. How has this transition from personal to digital communication changed the way we read people and interpret their body language?