

Two important players in the telecommunications sector, Ericsson and TDC NET, have joined forces to propel Denmark into the true 5G era. 5G

Joining forces to propel Denmark into the 5G age, telecommunications giants Ericsson and TDC NET confront the intricacy of transitioning to Standalone 5G. The venture promises enhanced connectivity, yet its real impact remains under scrutiny. Their collaborative effort hinges not just on operational advancement but also in setting a future-ready network infrastructure with increased energy efficiency and advanced services. However, as TDC NET prepares to navigate this expansive opportunity landscape, it’s essential to question the overall strategic footing of the industry—a fascinating watch for tech aficionados. Stay informed with the newsletter.

ASA has recently drawn a conclusion to its investigation into the legitimacy of a series of 5G-related advertisements produced by EE. 5G

Delving into a recent decision by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), we uncover the reasoning behind a stop order on EE’s 5G-related adverts, which competitors said lacked clarity on EE’s claims to operate the ‘UK’s No.1 5G network’. Without fully revealing the specifics of this heated dispute, let’s dive into selected highlights of the adjudication, considering various past incidents and the industry’s ongoing dialogue surrounding telco advertising transparency.

T-Mobile has launched its new premium service plan, Go5G Next, positioning itself as a contender in the higher-priced service sector. 5G

T-Mobile has shaken up the wireless market with the launch of its new premium service plan, Go5G Next, positioning itself as a contender in the higher-priced service sector. In a surprising move, the plan’s cost surpasses those of rivals Verizon and AT&T for a single line of service, defying T-Mobile’s historical reputation for affordability.

One of the most successful uses of 5G has not been via smartphones but instead via FWA application in home broadband services. 5G

In the short span since 5G’s inception, one of its most successful applications surprisingly isn’t smartphones, but Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) enhancing home broadband services. Currently dominating 90% of new US broadband subscriptions, this trend sparks intriguing implications. Yet, fiber broadband’s speed and dependability present a formidable challenge, set to increasingly permeate the market aided by ample public funding. Meanwhile, FWA’s flexible and user-friendly nature makes it a robust contender, particularly in areas where fiber is not feasible.

Ericsson, a world-renowned kit vendor, recently achieved a significant 5G milestone by reaching a record-breaking 5.7Gbps download speed. 5G

Ericsson, the global telecom giant, has just shattered 5G records, achieving an incredible 5.7Gbps download speed by ingeniously blending three frequency bands. This breakthrough, a result of Ericsson’s advanced hardware, software and RAN coordination, opens a new horizon in performance boost and superior connectivity for 5G users. This latest success cements Ericsson’s spot at the forefront of the race for ultra-high-speed connectivity, even as competitors also explore the potential of carrier aggregation.

The process of transferring 5G workloads to the public cloud is taking more time than expected due to the sluggish speed. 5G

Transferring 5G workloads to the public cloud is proving slower than expected, leading financial firm Dell’Oro to adjust its growth predictions for 5G standalone (SA) solutions down. Despite this, a growth rate of 65% over five years is still anticipated. However, the slow adoption of 5G SA by mobile network operators and enterprises has led to a cautious approach. Hyperscale cloud providers look set to hold just 6% of total market revenue in the next five years, underscoring the remaining untapped potential in the 5G SA market.

In 2021, Verizon made headlines, making a significant investment of $45.5 billion at an auction for a 5G spectrum in the C-band. 5G

In an impressive advancement for 5G technology, Verizon has secured a $45.5 billion C-band spectrum, overcoming hurdles posed by satellite operators once occupying parts of this range. As operators transitioned off the C-band, motivated by the FCC’s lucrative rewards, Verizon confirms the completion of this process. This newfound access paves the path for an expansion that could amplify the bandwidth for 5G users nationally, providing a minimum of 140MHz of spectrum throughout the US, with full 200MHz access in a portion of markets.

Ericsson and TPG are in the process of developing an AI-powered analytics tool, which is reported as the first of its kind in the region. 5G

In a first for the region, Ericsson and Australian operator TPG are creating a cloud-native AI-powered analytics tool, designed specifically to streamline 4G and 5G networks. With the power to predict and fix performance issues in real-time, this tool aims to enhance response times to network issues and reduce reliance on complex infrastructure analysis. Showcasing TPG as an early adopter, this technology also enhances network flexibility as usage increases, allowing for tracking of around five million subscribers.

The Polish telecoms authority confirmed that all four national mobile operators have placed their initial bids for 5G spectrum. 5G

As Poland launches its long-awaited 5G spectrum auction in the 3.5GHz band, all four national mobile operators are joining the race. With COVID-19 delays and governmental cybersecurity amendments posing uncertainties, the stakes remain high in Poland’s quest for competitive 5G capabilities. As the process evolves, international eyes are keenly watching the influence of these audacious moves on the global telecommunications landscape.