
Telco Buzz

Shell Energy faces a £1.4m fine imposed by telecom regulator Ofcom for a serious breach in communication service rules. Telco Buzz

Shell Energy faces a £1.4m fine imposed by telecom regulator Ofcom for a serious breach in communication service rules. Over 70,000 customers weren’t correctly notified about end-of-contract and best tariff options, a grave misstep underscoring the importance of clear, timely communication in service provision. Substantiating the matter, some customers were even misinformed about costs post-contract, leading to unwarranted overpayments.

When it comes to digitization strategies, providing superior customer service is paramount, a concept relevant in the telecom field. Telco Buzz

When it comes to digitization strategies, providing superior customer service is paramount, a concept particularly relevant in the telecom field. Saudi Telecom Company (stc), underlines this belief by revitalizing its customer experience through a strategic collaboration with Huawei. Transforming its big data platform into a Customer-Centric Platform (CCP), offers a unified view of customer data, leading to enhanced marketing segmentation and customization. Improved efficiency and data value are already showing dividends with marked reduction in customer churn and accelerated return on investment.

Greek telecom giant OTE is shifting its strategic direction, with rumors circulating about several changes to its future business operations. Telco Buzz

Greek telecommunications heavyweight OTE appears to be changing course, with whispers abuzz of pivotal shifts in its future business plans. The rumored centerpiece is the potential sale of its Romanian mobile operations, Telekom Romania Mobile, to Quantum Projects Group. This points towards a strategic refocusing on OTE’s extensive Greek operations, signaling a departure from the international stage.

MusicMagpie, an online retailer, has confirmed the initiation of preliminary negotiations with BT and investment firm, Aurelius. Telco Buzz

The online retailer, musicMagpie, recently confirmed preliminary dialogue with telecom giant BT and investment firm Aurelius, creating ripples in the wireless tech marketplace. While BT harbors plans to extend its EE customer division’s footprint in the pre-owned smartphone market, musicMagpie’s potential sale throws a thrilling spin to proceedings. It’s a pivotal situation in a rapidly evolving telecommunications world, requiring stakeholders to recalibrate their strategies to mirror the dynamic customer needs. Meanwhile, noteworthy events unfold elsewhere in the sector, promising fascinating updates.

Swisscom and Nokia have successfully brought Swisscom's NEWTON to life, and officially commenced the service migration to this network. Telco Buzz

In a bid to level up its national network capabilities, Swisscom has partnered with Nokia to breathe life into its Next Evolution Wavelength Transport Optical Network (NEWTON). This cutting-edge network is designed to deliver high performance, cost efficiency, and an elevated customer experience. Amid the increased demand for robust support from remote workforces to cloud computing, Swisscom turned to Nokia’s comprehensive range of optical networking solutions, a move that saw a significant upgrade which included the launch of 22 backbone sites and 560 metro sites.

The telecommunications development firm, Stratospheric Platforms Limited (SPL), has almost reached new heights. Telco Buzz

Navigating uncharted territory in the telecommunications ecosystem, Stratospheric Platforms Limited (SPL) alongside other UK giants, aims to forge advanced airborne 5G connectivity. With an ambitious endeavor backed by Britten-Norman and Marshall Futureworx, the collaborative effort seeks to birth a High-Altitude Platform with an airborne antenna – a revolution steering us to high-performing 5G from the stratosphere itself. Imagine an unmanned aircraft, fuelled by liquid hydrogen, its vast wingspan of 56 meters and lightweight structure promising flight endurance of over a week.

Study conducted by BIPT posits that the argument for 'fair share' contributions from Big Tech to support telecom remains underdemonstrated. Telco Buzz

In the ongoing debate over Big Tech’s ‘fair share’ contribution to telecom infrastructures, new findings from the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications call into question the validity of the argument. BIPT concludes attributing Big Tech solely for data streams might be over simplistic, citing investments made by Content Application Providers in broader infrastructures. The study raises important concerns about the potential negative impact for end-users, small local CAPs, and the principle of net neutrality.

The Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA) has introduced a behavior code designed to diminish the threats introduced by space debris. Telco Buzz

The Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA) is enforcing a behavior code for satellite operators, addressing the pressing issue of space debris caused by escalating satellite broadband services. The industry aims to advance its responsibility through shared best practices to preserve space access. This action, however, fuels debate over unendorsed practices, potential impacts on astronomy, and the proposed spectrum restraint at the upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference.

Vodafone has embarked on a forceful comeback scheme as there have been indications of a resurgence, even though investors remain skeptical. Telco Buzz

In the face of declining shares, Vodafone’s bold recovery strategy is underway. The shift from a net profit to a loss has been attributed to several factors including missing operations, adverse foreign exchange movements, and losses from joint ventures. Nonetheless, CEO Margherita Della Valle is leading a restoration plan that includes improving customer service and expanding Vodafone Business.