Telco Buzz

FCC Issues Stark Warnings to Gateway Providers Amidst Robocall Threat

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In an unyielding effort to combat the surge of illegal robocalls and fraudulent activities, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued stern advisories to seven gateway providers identified as potential collaborators in transmitting illicit traffic on behalf of overseas entities. This poses a significant risk to the integrity and security of U.S. phone networks.

The warnings, dated November 27, 2023, stem from the providers’ involvement in numerous traceback requests received from USTelecom’s Industry Traceback Group (ITG). These requests highlight the involvement of these gateways in facilitating illegal traffic for overseas partners, placing them squarely under regulatory scrutiny. The gravity of the situation is further emphasized by alerts from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), explicitly notifying each provider of their connection to these unlawful activities.

Among the notable companies implicated are Bandwidth, Telco Connection, iDentidad Advertising Development, CenturyLink Communications, LLC, TeleCall Telecommunication, Tata Communications (America) Inc., and Acrobat Communications.

These companies are reminded of their legal obligations under the FCC’s stringent rules, particularly the mandate that “gateway providers must take reasonable and effective steps to ensure that any foreign originating provider or foreign intermediate provider from which it directly receives traffic is not using the gateway provider to carry or process a high volume of illegal traffic onto the U.S. network.”

Noncompliance carries severe repercussions, from blocking orders to monetary fines and legal consequences, as demonstrated by the FCC’s past enforcement actions, such as the case of One Eye, LLC in May 2023—the first-ever RoboBlocking order issued against a company.

This incident serves as a stark reminder for the industry to prioritize regulatory compliance, transparency, and proactive risk management. As the telecommunications landscape evolves, the FCC’s precedents serve as guideposts, urging providers to tread carefully, uphold standards, and fortify the foundation of ethical and legal practices to safeguard the industry’s integrity and security.

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