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Despite Europe’s stride towards a digitally advanced future, the current uptake of 5G stands at only 2.5%. This stands in stark contrast to how tech giants like North America, China, Japan, and South Korea are faring. While European market figures on Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) appears promising, various challenges, including recent antidumping measures, have stymied progress and exacerbated the digital divide.

BT has voiced plans to simplify pricing, aligning with Ofcom’s push for clarity in broadband advertising and curbing mid-contract price fluctuations. The restructure is likely to see broadband prices rise by about £3 monthly, while mobile may see a £1.50 increase. BT’s current model adjusts customer fees annually by inflation plus 3.9%, a method unclear to most clients, inciting dissatisfaction and a rise in complaints. Ofcom seeks to ban mid-contract inflations under review until mid-February.

A first-of-its-kind system in the UK is being trialled in Edinburgh to see if waste heat from a large computing facility can be stored in disused mine workings and used to warm homes. The large amounts of energy needed to power the University of Edinburgh’s Advanced Computing Facility (ACF) could be recycled to heat at least 5,000 households in Scotland’s capital.

In an era dominated by digital communication, businesses are increasingly adopting Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for cost-effective and long-distance charge-free communication. However, amid the benefits lies a critical factor: E911. This article delves into what E911 is, its operation in VoIP, compliance necessities, and the life-saving advantages it offers. It emphasizes the legal obligations, benefits like accurate location data, and the necessity for regular testing to ensure compliance. Ultimately, E911 in VoIP is not just a regulatory checkbox but a crucial service that underscores a provider’s commitment to public safety.

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IOH) discloses plans of selling its data centres to BDx Indonesia, brightening BDx’s footprints in the Indonesian market. This move plays to the advantage of BDx who already operates data centres in Asia, while strengthening IOH’s commitment to enhance Indonesia’s tech landscape. Secured by substantial banking funding, this development emphasizes the continuous growth in the telecom and IT sectors.

In a groundbreaking collaboration, T-Mobile US and SpaceX are gearing up for the field testing of Starlink satellites, heralding a significant stride in eliminating mobile coverage dead zones. While the exact date for the commencement of field testing remains undisclosed, T-Mobile is optimistic about its imminent initiation, stating that the low-Earth orbit deployment of satellites sets the stage for the forthcoming trials.

Unveiling a concerning revelation in the telecommunications network, inside sources disclose that a vast number of personnel are bypassing “whereabouts rules”, exposing client companies to potential cyber threats. Learn about the delicate balance between accountability and security as we explore the disquieting trend and potential remedies within this intricate reality.