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5G standalone


As the new year unfolds, Vodafone has released a compelling report, underscoring the urgent need for regulatory reforms to bolster Europe’s telecommunications sector. The report, titled “Why Telecoms Matters,” paints a stark picture of the challenges Europe currently faces, emphasizing the pivotal role of mobile technology and digital transformation in overcoming these obstacles.

In 2024, the telecom industry is witnessing a transformative shift driven by evolving customer needs, technological advancements, and environmental concerns. Key trends include the rise of self-service platforms, the migration to VoIP as PSTN becomes obsolete, standalone 5G networks taking center stage, AI integration for enhanced connectivity, and a strong commitment to sustainability. These trends are reshaping how telecom carriers operate and innovate, promising new opportunities in a rapidly changing landscape.

The GSMA annual report depicts a thriving European mobile industry, contributing over €910 billion to the economy in 2022 with projections to hit the €1 trillion mark by 2030. Despite impressive mobile coverage across Europe, certain challenges persist. The report suggests mobile operators need to make sustained investments in networks to meet global competition, and regulatory reform is crucial. Yet, some caution that this could lead to higher prices and no increase in investment, exemplified by the US situation.

Telefonica teams up with Nokia in a bold move to investigate the application of private mobile networks within Latin American businesses. They aim to foster digital transformation across “promising industries”, including ports, energy, mining, and manufacturing. Despite 5G’s infancy in the region, Ericsson’s recent report suggests a promising future, predicting 5G will constitute 42% of all mobile subscriptions by 2028. Meanwhile, Nokia’s data reveals that a whopping 80% of companies implementing their industrial-grade private wireless solutions expect a positive return on investment within six months.

Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson’s recent secure network slice proof of concept simplifies enterprise use with automated configuration and end-to-end orchestration, connecting smartphones seamlessly to private cloud services via 5G. This innovation could revolutionize the telecommunications industry by offering customizable, easy-to-understand connectivity solutions for businesses worldwide.

Zain launches voice over 5G Zain has become the first operator to commercially offer voice over 5G (Vo5G) services on its standalone 5G network. The new Vo5G service is accessible across Kuwait with statewide coverage, and on the all-new Samsung Galaxy S22 family of handsets. Phone-over-5G enables clients to experience crystal-clear voice communications over the 5G network alongside data services, all without interruption. Customers may also utilize the Internet, streaming services and data-heavy apps while having phone conversations, thanks to 5G’s stable and ultra-fast speeds. Read more at: https://tinyurl.com/2p8as9nu Staffbase buys a majority stake in dirico Staffbase has purchased a controlling position in 247GRAD Labs GmbH, the software business behind the dirico content collaboration platform. The dirico platform enables businesses to plan, develop, publishand evaluate content for marketing as well as internal and external communication. As a consequence, Staffbase today employs over 700 people and serves over 2,000 customers globally…

Two Japanese companies, Rakuten Mobile and NEC Corporation, have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote Open RAN in mobile telecommunications markets worldwide. The MoU is based on Rakuten’s current partnership with NEC, where NEC supplies 5G radio equipment to the operator. The pair is also jointly working on developing a Rakuten standalone 5G core.   Under the Memorandum of Understanding, Rakuten Mobile and NEC will continue to expand their local collaboration to provide 5G and 4G radios and engineering services for Open RAN systems that are compliant with O-RAN specifications. These services will be applicable to  markets worldwide and will boost the global development of the Rakuten Communications Platform (RCP). RCP is Rakuten Mobile’s fully virtualized and containerized cloud-based mobile network platform, enabling telecom businesses to station virtual networks rapidly and inexpensively.   Tareq Amin, executive vice president and CTO at Rakuten Mobile, said: “Rakuten…