1193 Results



Ecosmob Technologies, a leading company in the VoIP industry, has announced the launch of a wholesale softswitch with cutting edge solutions in its open source technology. The company pays special attention to the development of high-quality and cost-efficient VoIP applications for telecom industries worldwide. With the upcoming 5G and other technology-related cutting-edge developments, it is obvious that the VoIP service providers and wholesale carriers will face the challenges with their growing business volumes. The anticipated success greatly depends on the choice of software and hardware integration, and cross-functional softswitches above all. Ecosmob’s Class 4 and Class 5 SoftSwitches open up more possibilities for wholesale carriers to make the necessary adjustments and offer consistent integration with other systems, like call center software and CRMs. The Class 4 SoftSwitch is employed for routing VoIP calls to international locations using an IP network. Key features of the custom development services…

As a whole, the telecommunications industry has been traditionally male-dominated. However, the trend is rapidly changing as this business sector becomes increasingly augmented with talented women having profound knowledge and skills, and influencing an industry where high-ranking female officials were a rarity until recently. Here is the list of the top ten women in the telecommunications industry, selected for their technical and business know-how, extensive experience, leadership and most significantly, their influence. Michelle Bourque Michelle Bourque is Senior Vice President, Product, Marketing and Access Strategy for BCE Nexxia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bell Canada. The company provides wholesale services, including voice, broadband, hosting and co-location, and IP connectivity. As the leader of a team of product and marketing professionals, Michelle has introduced innovation and fresh perspectives to the wholesale marketing and product divisions. According to Michelle, women already have a significant presence in the telecoms sector, and…

The global telecom giants are increasingly acknowledging the benefits of blockchain technology.  Telefonica, a Spanish multinational telecommunications company, has signed a partnership with IBM, a leader in open-source blockchain solutions, to employ IBM blockchain technology for superior administration of international call traffic. Telefonica expects that the usage of the cloud-based IBM Blockchain Platform will help to improve the traceability of international call data, such as the origin of the call, its destination and duration. They will be able to detect fraud and address other challenges caused by the use of different networks and operators when routing international calls. Operators will have permissioned access to a decentralized platform, and perform real-time tracing of calls to achieve accurate billing processes. “This project is one of our first initiatives to secure real benefits from the adoption of blockchain in our core business. We believe that the new paradigm of process decentralization…

As anticipated, the European Parliament has voted in favour of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). The new EU telecoms rules will open the possibilities for faster access to radio spectrum waves and greater investments in high-speed connectivity. They will also ensure better protection and services for end-users of either traditional (calls, SMS) or web-based solutions (Skype, WhatsApp, etc.). Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, and Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel, made a joint statement, which said, “Today’s vote by the European Parliament is a positive and necessary step towards ensuring that the telecoms sector in the EU is fit for purpose.” “The new telecoms rules that will now be put in place as a result, are an essential building block for Europe’s digital future and a source of new digital rights for European citizens. They are crucial for meeting Europeans’ growing connectivity needs and boosting…

The world’s top smartphone manufacturer, Samsung, has provided the first tantalizing glimpse of their very real, foldable phone at the Samsung Developer Conference 2018 in San Francisco. This advancement in display technology has been widely discussed throughout the year, and Samsung has finally revealed their highly-anticipated version of the technology called the Infinity Flex Display. “When it’s open, it’s a tablet offering a big screen experience. When closed, it’s a phone that fits neatly inside your pocket,” explained the senior vice president of Mobile Product Marketing at Samsung, Justin Denison, while demonstrating the device. The prototype boasts a 7.3-inch tablet display that can be folded over and over again without any signs of wear or degradation. The device is supported by the Android OS, allowing users to run up to 3 applications simultaneously, driving smartphone functionality to the next level. “The Infinity Flex Display represents an entirely…

Tim Berners-Lee, the tech pioneer who invented the World Wide Web back in 1989, revealed his plans for a contract to ensure that the Internet is safe and accessible to everyone. Speaking at the Web Summit 2018 in Portugal, the British tech genius recounted how he envisaged the Internet as being a platform for sharing information, but the current use of the Internet has digressed from the initial vision that its founders had in mind almost 30 years ago. “All kinds of things have gone wrong. We have fake news, we have problems with privacy, we have people being profiled and manipulated,” expressed Berners-Lee with concern. The tech pioneer has invited governments, companies and citizens to fight against hate and negativity, breach of privacy and political manipulations on the Internet by creating a complete “Contract for the Web” by May 2019, the date by which half of the…

Nowadays, there is a strong movement towards online marketing. However, the phone number will always remain an essential business identifier, and is often the first real contact that a customer has with a business. A vanity number has been proven to be an effective technique for making the right impression with your customers and adding visibility to your company, forming an integral part of a successful company branding strategy. What is a vanity number? A vanity (also called ‘golden’ or ‘special’) number spells out a specific word or a phrase when using a phone dial pad, or consists of a distinct sequence of digits, such as repeated digits or special number combinations. These are easy to remember phone numbers, such as 1-800-LAWYERS, 1-212-NYPIZZA, or 1-888-2477777. If you are in the process of considering a vanity number for your business, voip.review is here to help you make up your mind by…

Not being concerned about your privacy on the Internet is simply a mistake you cannot afford to make. Fortunately, there are plenty of Virtual Private Network services available that can protect you from being hacked and spied upon when using the web. voip.review has previously discussed what a VPN is, and why do you need it, and in this article we have selected the top 10 VPNs from the hundreds that are available to be found online. Here is a list of our handpicked VPNs (in no particular order), with detailed descriptions of their services and specifications. Nord VPN With close to 5,000 optimized servers in 62 countries, Nord VPN claims to provide the fastest VPN connection. Nord VPN includes 2048-bit encryption, support for PPTP, L2TP and OpenVPN protocols, optional dedicated IP addresses, encrypted proxy extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers, and a strict “no logs” policy. A generous number…

According to a recent report from The Intercept, Google is planning to relaunch its search engine in China, meeting all the Chinese government’s censorship requirements. Back in 2010, the Internet giant withdrew its services from China due to strict censorship. Now Google is clawing its way back into the world’s largest Internet market, with a censored version of their search engine under the codename “Dragonfly”. The first platform to be developed is an Android app that is expected to be finalized in the upcoming six to nine months, claims The Intercept. The appeal of 750 million Internet users would be quite tempting to anyone, yet this news about Google has been met with some negativity, and may be considered as showing support for the totalitarian regime in China. “This has very serious implications not just for China, but for all of us, for freedom of information and Internet freedom. It…

More than 7 years ago when Laimis joined the DIDWW team, he did not have an extensive knowledge of telecommunications. However, his tenacity, people skills, and excellent grasp of the English language landed him the position of an Account Manager. Today, thousands of phone calls, emails and meetings later, he has become one of the key people in charge of Business Development at DIDWW. Laimis can close deals like no other employee, and, as a demanding mentor, his trainees tend to follow in his footsteps and also become successful sales people. Currently Laimis is enjoying his new role as a father to the cutest 8-month-old girl Eivina, and most of his free time is dedicated to his family. He still enjoys a game of basketball with his friends or playing video games – bearing significant responsibilities at work requires some relaxing time off. Read the full interview with Laimis below…