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Nokia has signed an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for a loan of 500 million Euros (572 million US dollars) to accelerate the development of cutting edge 5G technology. This loan, supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), will present opportunities for the Finnish telecom equipment manufacturer to invest in the research, development and innovation of the soon-to-be telecommunication standard technology, thereby expanding the market and displaying the potential of 5G in Europe. “We have to understand that China and the US have moved fast with the 5G. It is very important to have European companies going in for this competition,” commented the EIB vice president Alexander Stubb in the online Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. While the specific uses for the funds have not yet been identified, it is clear that Nokia’s end-to-end network will greatly benefit from this loan by ensuring the connectivity and reliability…

Singapore has long been known as the south-east Asian center for network expansion, due to its booming data center industry. The technology giant Google has revealed plans to expand their network in the region by building a 3rd data center in Jurong West, thereby increasing their long-term investment in Singapore’s data centers to $850 million. Google’s first data center was built in Singapore in 2011, followed by the second in 2015, while the 3rd building is expected to be ready by 2020. “In the three years since our last update, more than 70 million people in Southeast Asia have gotten online for the first time, bringing the region’s total to more than 330 million–that’s more than the population of the United States,” commented the vice president of Data Centers at Google, Joe Kava. The newest facility will be built nearby the previous two, and will continue Google’s environmentally friendly approach…

After the successful release of its flagship P20 series, the Chinese equipment manufacturer Huawei is set to overtake Apple as the second largest global smartphone vendor in 2018. As of July, Huawei had already shipped 100 million devices, and is on track to ship a total of 200 million devices by the end of the year, notably exceeding the number of 153 million of their smartphones shipped in 2017. Huawei, one of the world’s leading network equipment manufacturers, entered the smartphone race quite recently, and is aggressively competing with Samsung and Apple. However, the company has already managed to grow their smartphone business by 51 times since 2010, which is a sound proof of Huawei’s exponential expansion and its dominant position in the market. In addition to being the number three smartphone manufacturer globally, Huawei also holds the top position in China and is now focused on expanding their sales…

Europe’s leading Internet of Things event IoT Tech Expo Europe 2018 brought together thousands of enthusiasts and specialists from a variety of industries including manufacturing, transport, healthcare, logistics, energy and automotive to discuss the ever-increasing potential of IoT. Among the 300+ exhibitors at the event in Amsterdam, a rising star in the industry, monogoto, made a revolutionary move by launching its new flat rate data plans for IoT connectivity. “We are happy to introduce a ‘pay once and forget’ business model, where the IoT community can pay $10 and get a SIM card with a ‘lifetime’ 10 years of connectivity,” said Itamar Kunik, Chief Executive Officer at monogoto. “With this new pricing, appliance companies, OEMs and developers can now offer connected devices with  pre-installed SIM cards, and not be concerned with high monthly recurring data costs.” monogoto is a one-stop shop that covers the complete range of IoT connectivity requirements,…

At the recent Sino-German Economic Forum, China Mobile and Nokia signed a one year framework agreement valued at 1.36 billion euro (9.927 billion yuan) to support the Chinese operator’s transition to 5G infrastructure, while maintaining seamless connectivity. Under this agreement, the Finnish corporation will be providing the Chinese telecom with cutting edge end-to-end technologies for the next generation network, in addition to mobile, fixed, IP routing, optical transport and customer experience management technologies along with their service expertise and support. The two companies have been in partnership since 1994, when Nokia supported the first GSM call on China Mobile’s network. In addition to collaborating on 5G, both companies are moving forward together and have agreed to conduct research and tests on artificial intelligence and machine learning. “This is a highly significant agreement with our longstanding partner that consolidates Nokia’s position as a leading provider of next-generation technologies and services in…

More than 7 years ago when Laimis joined the DIDWW team, he did not have an extensive knowledge of telecommunications. However, his tenacity, people skills, and excellent grasp of the English language landed him the position of an Account Manager. Today, thousands of phone calls, emails and meetings later, he has become one of the key people in charge of Business Development at DIDWW. Laimis can close deals like no other employee, and, as a demanding mentor, his trainees tend to follow in his footsteps and also become successful sales people. Currently Laimis is enjoying his new role as a father to the cutest 8-month-old girl Eivina, and most of his free time is dedicated to his family. He still enjoys a game of basketball with his friends or playing video games – bearing significant responsibilities at work requires some relaxing time off. Read the full interview with Laimis below…

Amongst all the excitement of approaching 5G rollouts, the Finnish operator Elisa has grabbed the headlines by officially announcing that they are the first operator in the world to begin commercial use of a 5G network. Elisa’s first 5G network services were launched in Tampere (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia). The first person to use the 5G network was Finland’s minister of Transport and Communications, Anne Berner, who made an international video call to Estonia’s minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure, Kadri Simson, using Huawei 5G terminal devices. Even though there are no commercial 5G-compatible devices available to the public, Elisa is already offering two types of 5G subscriptions. A significant hurdle that must be overcome for mass 5G rollouts is the issue of licensing. The Finish Ministry of Communications is set to allocate the first 5G licences for the 3.4-3.8 GHz bands in autumn, thereby enabling Finland to maintain their…

New technologies, especially in wireless communications, is helping increase VoIP services. As smartphones, laptops and tablets are being more available worldwide, VoIP services are also growing and the competition between different providers is leading to a constant update in their offers. The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy that is spreading in companies is another key factor in this demand on VoIP. Devices like phablets (a mix between smartphones and tablets like the Galaxy S9+) are replacing computers on many aspects. The PMR (Persistence Market Research) expect the market to grow up to US$ 194.5 Billion in the next seven years. Most of this increase will be from long distance VoIP calls that could represent US$ 120 Billion in revenue.

The secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Zhao Houlin, explained at a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, that infrastructure, investment, innovation and inclusion, or the “4 I’s”. Those pillars for information and communication technology (ICT) will be an obligation to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially for the next ten years. Infrastructure are essential to hold any economy based on communication and high tech. The future of digital economy in sustainable cities, will largely be based on the capacity to construct strong equipments for those infrastructures, not only to connect people but also objects. Strong investments are fundamental for the development of ICT. In order to see progress on SDG, innovation in the domain of finance will be needed and a mix between public and private investors is one of the solutions. Opportunity is only possible with innovation, thus small companies that base their growth and survival…

FreedomPop, the California based company operating in the US and UK, will launch a new MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) called Unreal mobile. Until now FreedomPop focused on its free-of-charge mobile plan for customers with small needs, making money from their other plans. With Unreal Mobile, they offer a full service carrier using the Sprint network. Unreal will offer unlimited data for $15 per month, with no contract. Not only that, but Unreal Mobile number can be used on any device, meaning not only on smartphones but also on tablets and computers. The way it works is a SIM card is needed for the main smartphone, that works with a regular voice network, then Unreal Mobile, with VoIP technology, allows the user to use different devices with the same number. This announcement is a direct result of Sprint and T-Mobile merger. Mauricio Sastre, FreedomPop SVP Strategy and Carrier Relations said…