133 Results



According to the American Cable Association (ACA), small VoIP providers may struggle to meet the technology demands of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposed robo calling solution plan. ACA represents around 750 of the smaller and mid-sized firms distributed around the US market. The association claims that most of its members might not afford the technology required for the SHAKEN/STIR FCC’s proposal. The SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using toKENs) is a framework that has been developed by STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revised), a working group that is looking for ways to prevent the 2.4 billion robo calls made to Americans every month. The system uses digital certificates, based on common public key cryptography techniques to ensure that a calling number is accurate and secure and has not been spoofed. The service can be provided by a carrier, a third party company or even via software built into a…

The term net neutrality, which pops up in Internet debate every few years, is the belief that all data on the Internet should be treated the same way by the Internet service providers (ISPs) and governments that regulate most of the Internet. The term suggests that there should be no discrimination and prices should not depend on user, content, website, platform, or application. There is always an uproar about the subject every time the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) submits a new rule on the topic, but then the matter quickly fades away. This ongoing cycle has resulted in tired businesses and consumers that have become insensitive towards the issue. However, they must not forget that most businesses now rely on the Internet for various workflows, and therefore any changes in the rules of net neutrality can significantly affect the VoIP industry and way companies function, particularly VoIP providers, since they…

Since 2014 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been demanding that the telecommunications industry in the US come up with a solution to the growing and disturbing problem of fraudulent robocalls and telephone spoofing. As a result, the proposed Shaken & Stir authentication solution was developed jointly by the SIP Forum, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). However, the American Cable Association (ACA) warns that the solution must be cost-effective for smaller VoIP providers. The association, which represents small and mid-sized telecom companies, suggests that the FCC obtain more information from the industry and that small VoIP providers be involved in the evaluation of its cost-effectiveness before it is approved. It stated that if the robocall solution is adopted, members might need extra time to implement it. ACA’s reaction is a result of FCC’s new chairman, Ajit Pai’s determination in carrying out strong measures…