


A recently conducted study on ChatGPT, a popular AI chatbot, unveiled a political bias in its responses. A group of researchers from UK and Brazil noted a discernible left-leaning orientation, shaping an unexpected narrative. This raises questions about AI’s impartiality in conveying content, and signals the need for stricter scrutiny and regulation. As AI increasingly guides our informational insights, maintaining neutrality in its delivery becomes crucial for preserving integrity, particularly in electoral processes.

The shift towards automation in communication service providers (CSPs) is somewhat paradoxical: while advancing in efficiency, it risks diminishing vital human interaction. A recent study by Omdia underlines this predicament, indicating that despite chatbots’ growing usage, consumers predominantly favor human contact, especially when seeking resolutions. Meanwhile, emails emerge as the main channel for consumer engagement, a revelation challenging cost-cutting efforts that bypass burgeoning automation.

Amdocs unveils its AI-driven amAIz framework, revolutionizing telecom operations with advanced capabilities and natural language processing. Enhancing service quality and boosting operational efficiency, this transformative technology offers pre-built use cases and rapid implementation, while fostering customer engagement and streamlining processes.

Artificial intelligence is exerting its influence on almost every sector, including telecommunications. This technology has begun to add impressive new dimensions to many industries, accelerating the digital transformation. According to Tractica, annual investment in telecommunications AI software is expected to grow to more than $11.2 billion in 2025. The telecommunications industry is at the heart of technological growth and digital transformation. The industry is huge. 54 telecommunications companies are listed on the Forbes Global 2000 list. They account for more than $3.4 trillion in assets and almost $1.5 trillion in income in 2020. The potential of AI in the telecom industry is immense. By taking advantage of this technology, organizations can create supplementary revenue streams using business niches they had not even thought could be profitable. The demand for higher quality telecom services and a better customer experience grows. Therefore, service providers need to look for smarter, more powerful and…