After last week’s summit in Australia, the Five-Eyes Governments, which include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, issued a statement calling on the technology industry to willingly provide access to encrypted information. While encryption is by far the safest way for private information to travel between the sender and receiver, the Five-Eyes group argue that it can also be “used by criminals, including child sex offenders, terrorists and organized crime groups to frustrate investigations and avoid detection and prosecution.” Even though the debate of privacy versus security when it comes to data encryption is not a new one, many cybersecurity experts still claim that there is no safe way to provide authorities with a backdoor access to decoded information without introducing vulnerabilities that may be exploited by hackers. Despite this argument, the alliance is pushing technology providers to “create customized solutions, tailored to their individual…
While the storm caused by the GDPR coming into force on May 25th is quieting down, people are still concerned about the protection of their personal data, and privacy in general. In the current environment, the use of the word VPN is commonplace, yet not everyone understands this term and what it has to do with security. will provide some basic insights into VPNs. Simply put, the abbreviation VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, a connection method that helps users maintain security while connecting to another network over the Internet. The original idea for creating a VPN was to secure the private network of large corporations, where branch offices and employees need to connect to the network from remote locations. While connecting to the corporate network via cables installed in a local office is relatively safe, connecting to this private network through public networks can introduce security…
Security researchers from Rapid7 have found a large number of insecure UDP Internet services in Germany, which are used for VoIP. The researchers found nearly six million exposed SIP services on port 5060 / UPD, more than any other country in the world. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to establish a communication session in Internet telephony and is particularly difficult to secure. Only encrypted SIP (SIP-TLS on port 5061 / TCP) provides adequate protection against active and passive eavesdropping and toll fraud, but plain text SIP is still widely used in Germany. This is demonstrated by Rapid7’s new National Exposure Index, an annual ranking that examines the extent to which countries around the world are at risk of active cyber attacks. For the study, Rapid7s security researchers scoured the entire Internet for TCP / IP services that, for example, are not secured with modern encryption methods or offer…