842 Results

VoIP communication


The term net neutrality, which pops up in Internet debate every few years, is the belief that all data on the Internet should be treated the same way by the Internet service providers (ISPs) and governments that regulate most of the Internet. The term suggests that there should be no discrimination and prices should not depend on user, content, website, platform, or application. There is always an uproar about the subject every time the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) submits a new rule on the topic, but then the matter quickly fades away. This ongoing cycle has resulted in tired businesses and consumers that have become insensitive towards the issue. However, they must not forget that most businesses now rely on the Internet for various workflows, and therefore any changes in the rules of net neutrality can significantly affect the VoIP industry and way companies function, particularly VoIP providers, since they…

Everyone that has experienced the impeccable voice quality of landline phones has certainly complained, at some point, about the quality of the sound during VoIP calls. Since the first Skype call was made, there has been lots of improvement in the quality and reliability of VoIP calls. However, there are still a few things that can influence the quality of your call. Here are the 5 main factors that have an impact on voice quality during VoIP calls and tips on what can be done to boost your calling experience: 1. Bandwidth is key Internet connection is the main factor that affects voice quality in VoIP conversations. The kind of bandwidth used for VoIP is crucial for a voice call system’s success. Dial-up connections are slower and consequently will not deliver the expected quality. On the other hand, broadband connections provide a much higher voice quality, as long as it is not being…

If you are working or interested in the VoIP technology industry and looking for some insights,  tips, and trends on the market- then these are the 10 VoIP specialists in that you should be paying attention to on social networks. The slideshow below gives you a short biographical summary of each expert. For more information and links to their social media profiles, please scroll down. [cycloneslider id=”top-ten”] Jeff Keni Pulver – VoIP Market Specialist and Entrepreneur The North American Internet entrepreneur, Jeff Keni Pulver, is the co-founder of some of the best-known companies in the VoIP market, such as Free World Dialup, MoNage, Vonage, and the Zula application. As a well-known expert and pioneer in the VoIP market, Pulver is now hosting several events focused on the future of communication, including the use of bots. In addition, he has been investing in numerous startups related to the sector. LinkedIn: /in/jpulver…

The Saudis were over the moon with joy after their Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Abdullah Al-Sawah, announced on September 20, that the ban on all voice and video call services, which prevented Saudis and expatriate residents from communicating with the outside world, will be lifted. The decision is part of the new national strategy, known as Vision 2030, to expand the country’s economy and attract more business to the country in sectors such as tourism, entertainment, and telecommunications. The minister tweeted that the unblocking of VoIP calls will be made within a week with the help and support of telecom partners and in line with their #customer_first policy. “And we still strive for more,” he added. Al Sawah confirmed that the Government and telecommunications companies are working closely together to unblock all applications supported by VoIP and soon voice and video calls over the Internet will be available…

Business owners are always looking for different ways to cut costs and increase their profits. So, if you own a big or small company, you are surely not an exception and know that every cent makes a difference when it comes to the balance sheet. That is why, when an opportunity to reduce your phone bill comes up, it is imperative to grab it. This is where Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) comes in. This technology allows your voice to travel via the Internet by transforming it into a digital signal. When this signal arrives to the person you are calling, it is converted back to the traditional phone signal, making the conversation possible. Among the numerous advantages that VoIP can offer your business is the enabling of free local or international calls through the web. There are a few VoIP providers that put limits on their service, like only…

After realizing the advantages that Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can bring through, especially associated with budgets, an ever-increasing number of organizations and companies are shifting to Internet telephony services. With VoIP technology advancing at full speed, the industry is expected to grow even more this year. In view of that, providers and consumers should wisely take into consideration the following 5 VoIP trends that will define the industry in 2017. 1) 5G is around the corner Even though the imminent move from 4G to 5G technology is unlikely to occur before 2020, providers will surely start talking and making noise about it in 2017. The incorporation of 5G will bring far more benefits than just an upgrade to faster speeds. It will completely revolutionize how carriers deliver communications. Although this may not affect the speed and safety of VoIP in the office, it will bring many benefits for people…

Since 2014 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been demanding that the telecommunications industry in the US come up with a solution to the growing and disturbing problem of fraudulent robocalls and telephone spoofing. As a result, the proposed Shaken & Stir authentication solution was developed jointly by the SIP Forum, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). However, the American Cable Association (ACA) warns that the solution must be cost-effective for smaller VoIP providers. The association, which represents small and mid-sized telecom companies, suggests that the FCC obtain more information from the industry and that small VoIP providers be involved in the evaluation of its cost-effectiveness before it is approved. It stated that if the robocall solution is adopted, members might need extra time to implement it. ACA’s reaction is a result of FCC’s new chairman, Ajit Pai’s determination in carrying out strong measures…

Reinvent Telecom has launched MyCloud UCaaS, a robust unified communications platform aimed at boosting revenue for its reseller partners. President Bill Bryant emphasizes its focus on empowering partners with reliable, feature-rich solutions. MyCloud UCaaS offers cloud-based services like voice-to-text voicemail, call management, and integration with Microsoft Teams, revolutionizing VoIP communications.