195 Results



After the successful release of its flagship P20 series, the Chinese equipment manufacturer Huawei is set to overtake Apple as the second largest global smartphone vendor in 2018. As of July, Huawei had already shipped 100 million devices, and is on track to ship a total of 200 million devices by the end of the year, notably exceeding the number of 153 million of their smartphones shipped in 2017. Huawei, one of the world’s leading network equipment manufacturers, entered the smartphone race quite recently, and is aggressively competing with Samsung and Apple. However, the company has already managed to grow their smartphone business by 51 times since 2010, which is a sound proof of Huawei’s exponential expansion and its dominant position in the market. In addition to being the number three smartphone manufacturer globally, Huawei also holds the top position in China and is now focused on expanding their sales…

Security researchers from Rapid7 have found a large number of insecure UDP Internet services in Germany, which are used for VoIP. The researchers found nearly six million exposed SIP services on port 5060 / UPD, more than any other country in the world. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to establish a communication session in Internet telephony and is particularly difficult to secure. Only encrypted SIP (SIP-TLS on port 5061 / TCP) provides adequate protection against active and passive eavesdropping and toll fraud, but plain text SIP is still widely used in Germany. This is demonstrated by Rapid7’s new National Exposure Index, an annual ranking that examines the extent to which countries around the world are at risk of active cyber attacks. For the study, Rapid7s security researchers scoured the entire Internet for TCP / IP services that, for example, are not secured with modern encryption methods or offer…

The Swedish tech company expects 5G devices market to expand exponentially over the next 5 years. A report issued by Ericsson on Tuesday indicates that IoT (Internet of Things, that includes non-computer connected objects) will see its growth explode with 5G connections available, as they foresee that the connected devices’ market will be multiplied by five. As of today, this market represents 700 million units, and by 2023 their report see a size of 3.5 billion IoT devices. Last November, Ericsson’s expectations were of half this number. Patrik Carwall, head of industry marketing department at Ericsson thinks that among those 3.5 billion, 1 billion devices will use 5G. He added “We have been reporting on mobile industry development for a number of years. However, this report is probably one of the more exciting ones because we are at the start of a big change in the industry.” 5G will start…

One of Africa’s largest economy, if not the largest (an ongoing debate with South Africa), Nigeria’s VoIP sector has seen in increase of subscription over a period of 12 months. With 93% of growth on one year, VoIP went from 46,348 users in May 2017 to reaching 89,447 in April 2018. Out of the two main operators in that segment, Smile Communications is in charge of 93% of the market with 83,445 accounts against 6,032 for its smaller rival, Ntel network. Still, the VoIP technology is a very narrow market on a GSM-dominated market. So far VoIP represents 0.06% of communications when GSM accounts for 99.7%. This is mainly due to a lack of broadband penetration into the country’s infrastructure. The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) assured that it expect to increase broadband penetration to 30%, compared to 22% right now, by putting on policies to achieve this goal. Prof. Umar…

Two of the main key players in South African mobile operators, MTN and Vodacom, have shown interest in investing in the Ethiopian company Ethio Telecom. Both companies have invested in many countries on the continent. Ethiopia was not one of them as the government wanted to keep this sector under its control. But their policy is changing and they have decided to consider opening Ethio Telecom’s capital to investors. According to MTN, “Ethiopia presents many exciting telecommunication opportunities and we look forward to further discussions with that nation’s authorities on potential partnerships and opportunities.” and Vodacam stated that it “has said on many occasions that Ethiopia is an attractive market so it follows that there would be interest. Naturally this is dependent on what might become available and if it fits within our investment parameters.” Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopian new Prime Minister, came to power with promises of reforms. This policy…

Apple might be looking to save you from yourself with its new version of iOS, that any users will be able to get in septembre 2018, if they have an iPhone 5S or above. Since its beginning in 2006, iOS was more focused on keeping you hooked to your device that pushing you to keep it away from you. During Apple’s WWDC 2018 that took place this week, the Cupertino-based company seems to focus on helping its customers manage their time more effectively with their smartphone. And to help users on this topic, Apple seems to be concerned with iPhone addiction. As Google started focusing on that issue, Apple wants to take the lead on addiction to connected devices. An app called Screen Time will help iPhone users manage their time on their phone, get rid of useless notifications, change the setting of the screen to be less appealing. Another…

Apple has integrated in its iPhone an instant messaging system called iMessage. It allows to send any data (audio, pictures, videos or text) through any Apple device: phones, tablets or computers, and even their watches. In 2016, VoIP-Pal sued Apple, AT&T, Twitter and Verizon for patent infringement based on its U.S. Patents. This year, new lawsuits are being launched solely against Apple, for the infringement of four U.S. Patents, that are linked to the way iMessage processes routing, rating and billing of communications transferred through networks. Those actions are not related to the one that started in 2016. iMessage and Facetime are concerned by those accusations of infringement. Voip-Pal pretends that their patents are used to conduct audio, video and text to other devices by associating them with a specific user so it can route properly the communications. The plaintiff owns a portfolio of patents on VoIP technology. It is…

After President Trump asked the U.S. Commerce Department to find an agreement to save ZTE Corp., an agreement has been found. It all started when an investigation found out that ZTE was doing business with Iran and North Korea by sending U.S. products. Despite the opposition of several members of congress, mostly Democrats, but also many Republicans, that are accusing Trump of bending under Chinese pressure, ZTE will be able to trade with American companies. ZTE was banned from doing any business with the U.S. since April 15th and has lost $3 billion. ZTE will have to pay a $1.3 billion fine to the U.S. in addition to a $900 million fine they already paid last year. Part of the deal, aside from the fine, includes a change in management and will have to get parts from U.S. suppliers. The situation between ZTE and the U.S. Administration created some tensions…

The investment required to upgrade a network to support standalone 5G technology is important. JP Morgan think this is the reason why Telecom companies stocks did not do so well last year. There is a serious concern that the investment might not be as effective as expected. The lack of return put an important shade on some valuation for some asian (China, Japan and South Korea) and Australian telecommunications stocks. Those worries could be explained as the daily applications and advantages of 5G technology are yet to be seen and to be invented. James Sullivan,head of Asia ex-Japan equity research at J.P. Morgan explained “It’s not really about faster download speeds,” he said. “It’s about internet of things, autonomous vehicles and things of that nature for which no one understands a monetization case for networks yet.” 5G will not only be customer centered but also will help companies in processing…

In a strange turn of events, the American government has been instructed by President Trump, to help Chinese tech giant ZTE Corp. The problems started for ZTE when they were caught shipping U.S. goods to Iran. The U.S. Commerce Department then prevented U.S. companies from doing any trade with ZTE. This decision literally crippled the company, forcing Donald Trump to step in and take a decision. In a recent tweet President Trump expressed its concerns and his will to find a solution. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/995680316458262533 The ban on doing trade with U.S. companies is supposed to last seven years. ZTE already paid a $1.2 billion in fine for that case. Recently, American delegations in visit in China were asked about this issue by Chinese officials, leading to Trump’s decision. ZTE currently employs 70,000 people, and earlier this month, it had to put on hold its main operations.