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In an era where voice calls still hold a significant place, a rising wave of voice fraud threatens to shatter this trust. With a shocking 16% of UK consumers falling victim to phone scams last year, global figures paint a worrisome picture. The fact that this issue is not fleeting, the average UK consumer receiving roughly four fraudulent calls per month in 2023, only heightens the concerns.

The latest report from Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) reveals a stark reality: only a mere three percent of organizations worldwide possess the necessary level of readiness to combat modern cybersecurity risks effectively. Released today, the 2024 Cybersecurity Readiness Index underscores a notable decline from the previous year, where 15% of enterprises were classified as mature in their cybersecurity readiness.

Tillman FiberCo, LLC, a leading provider of fiber optic broadband infrastructure, has announced a significant expansion of its 100% Fiber-to-the-Premise (FTTP) network in Florida. The expansion aims to cater to the growing demand for high-speed internet access in various regions across the state, including Tampa Bay, Panhandle, South and Southwest Florida, and several major cities like St. Petersburg, Fort Myers, Naples, Pensacola, Miami, Palm Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, and Kissimmee.

In a stark warning delivered at a regional investment banking conference in Tallinn, Estonia, Ericsson CEO Börje Ekholm highlighted Europe’s precarious position in the global telecom arena. Emphasizing the urgent need for regulatory reform and innovation prioritization, Ekholm cautioned that Europe’s telecom industry is trailing far behind its counterparts in the US, China, and India.

BT and Global have entered a 10-year collaboration to modernize UK’s traditional payphones and expand digital hubs in local communities, fostering enhanced connectivity and local advertising opportunities. A major highlight includes the transformation of BT’s iconic payphones, expected to develop into a progressive stride towards telecommunications future.