704 Results



The latest report from Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) reveals a stark reality: only a mere three percent of organizations worldwide possess the necessary level of readiness to combat modern cybersecurity risks effectively. Released today, the 2024 Cybersecurity Readiness Index underscores a notable decline from the previous year, where 15% of enterprises were classified as mature in their cybersecurity readiness.

Cisco, the multinational technology conglomerate, has successfully finalized its purchase of Splunk, marking a significant stride towards offering unmatched visibility and insights across comprehensive digital landscapes. This acquisition is poised to redefine how organizations connect and safeguard their operations in an increasingly digital world.

Spearheading a revolutionary stance in the telecom security sphere, Versa Networks brings forth its ground-breaking Versa SASE on SIM – a fusion of AI and machine learning powered SIM-based identity system, aiming to reshape security measures at mobile network edges. Given the challenges faced by MNOs and MVNOs to distinguish their offers in an overly-saturated market, the shift towards value-added services further emphasizing on security is an escalating trend.

LogRhythm, the company helping security teams stop breaches by turning disconnected data and signals into trustworthy insights, has expanded its partnership with e-finance, a subsidiary of e-finance Investment Group to deliver secure digital transformation in Egypt. The strategic expansion of the partnership sees the integration of LogRhythm into e-finance’s cloud computing platform. e-finance’s customers across critical industries including fintech, government, and healthcare gain access to LogRhythm SIEM to uncover threats, mitigate attacks, and scale their business with confidence.

Andrew Hollister, LogRhythm’s Chief Information Security Officer, highlights the ongoing struggle in cybersecurity: despite years of talk, the problem remains unsolved. Looking ahead to 2024, he points out challenges like the rise of generative AI and the need for better cloud security. He emphasizes that focusing on basics like strong passwords and regular updates is crucial for staying safe online.

In a significant security incident, US telecom giant Verizon suffered a serious data breach impacting over 63,000 workers. Despite occurring last September, the leak wasn’t detected until December. Delving into the possible causes reveals potential insider wrongdoing. With the exposed data consisting of extensive personal details, Verizon claims that it hasn’t been shared externally yet. As the company probes into the breach, it offers its affected staff credit monitoring and identity theft protection for two years.

UK’s government and Vodafone settle on ‘proportionate measures’ to assuage national security concerns over UAE-based e&’s increasing ownership stakes. This agreement follows the government’s expressed apprehension about e&’s potential influence on Vodafone’s policies due to its status as the largest shareholder. In response, a ‘national security committee’ will be created within Vodafone to monitor initiatives that could affect national security.

Exploring fresh avenues in cybersecurity alliances, Ukraine and Romania envision bolstering digital frontline with an impactful pact. The focus pivots around supercharging cybersecurity, enabling 5G technology, and rehabilitating Ukraine’s connectivity infrastructures in light of recent cyber breaches. Spearheading distinctive initiatives, the collaboration plans to fortify national networks, establish a cloud-based public e-service platform and popularize 5G technology across Ukraine.