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In the United Kingdom, a significant transition is underway as the nation shifts from traditional analogue landline services to modern, IP-based digital systems. This change, mirroring a global trend towards digital communication solutions, aims to enhance service quality for the majority of consumers. However, it has raised concerns for certain vulnerable groups who depend on the older technology and may face challenges, particularly during power outages, which could impact their ability to reach emergency services.

Neterra, a telecommunications trailblazer for nearly three decades, recently secured the prestigious ‘Best Central & Eastern European Carrier’ award at the Global Carrier Awards 2023. In an exclusive interview with Svetoslava Bancheva, the PR and Digital Communications Manager, Neterra’s evolution from providing Bulgaria’s first internet connection to becoming a global telecom solution provider unfolds. Svetoslava highlights pivotal milestones, including running submarine cables under the Danube River and the establishment of the Sofia Data Center.

UK’s government and Vodafone settle on ‘proportionate measures’ to assuage national security concerns over UAE-based e&’s increasing ownership stakes. This agreement follows the government’s expressed apprehension about e&’s potential influence on Vodafone’s policies due to its status as the largest shareholder. In response, a ‘national security committee’ will be created within Vodafone to monitor initiatives that could affect national security.

Enreach, Europe’s leading provider of converged contact solutions, announced that Tonny Siemons, the company’s business development lead for its Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Operator Connect integration strategies, will speak at ITEXPO, one of the world’s largest communications technology conferences. The event is scheduled for 13-15 February, 2024 at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Telecommunications giant Kirin partners with Chinese auto manufacturer Dongfeng, aiming to innovate in ‘new energy’ automobiles. The deal looks to infuse Huawei tech into Dongfeng’s vehicles, sparking curiosity around specifics and outcomes. Voyah, the brand at the center of the deal, ambitiously plans to double their output, leveraging China’s vigorously blooming EV market.

Discover Altnets and ISPA’s newly launched report’s deep dive into UK’s full fibre broadband sector. Unearth historical setbacks and the transformative impact of procurement strategies in this detailed analysis. Insight-packed, it fosters understanding of the sector’s intricacies and highlights Altnets’ contribution to the gigabit broadband transition.