166 Results



Deutsche Telekom and MIRA dive into an ambitious project crafting the ‘shuttle service of the future’ in Bonn, using the premise of teleoperation or remote driving. Facilitated by speedy 5G data transmission, this experiment highlights the necessity of ‘network slicing’ and ‘quality on demand’ for autonomous vehicles. Yet, governmental restrictions on remote-controlled travel present a hurdle. Despite the challenges, both firms remain hopeful, envisioning a driver-free automobile future.

Vodafone’s first quarter saw a slightly stable 3.7% growth in service revenue, boosted by outcomes in the UK, Italy, and Germany, despite the pandemic-triggered disconnections. On the contrary, Germany experienced a 1.3% dip in service revenue, which however marks an improvement from the earlier quarter’s 2.8% decline, hinting at progress. The recovery was thanks to a strategic increase in broadband prices. In Italy, the revenue plunge decelerated from 2.7% in the fourth quarter to 1.6%, thanks to mobile prepaid base stabilization and noteworthy expansion in corporate fixed-line operations.

In an exciting leap forward for 5G technology in Europe, Ericsson and O2 Telefónica in Germany have joined forces to accomplish a remarkable feat in the development of 5G Cloud RAN technology. Their groundbreaking Proof of Concept (PoC) deployment at O2 Telefónica’s Wayra innovation hub in Munich showcased the immense capabilities of Ericsson’s first 5G Cloud RAN installation on the continent. The PoC utilized cutting-edge mmWave frequency and a centralized control unit (CU), achieving an impressive end-to-end speed of over 4 gigabits per second.

Emerging as a benchmark for sustainability, Vodafone negotiates a massive 410 Gwh photo-voltaic energy deal yearly with renewable firm Iberdrola, aiming at operations in Germany, Portugal, and Spain. This agreement, an expansion on their existing partnership, likely opens doors to further renewable initiatives. Vodafone’s commitment towards an eco-friendlier future radiates, from charging points for electric vehicles at their primary facilities in Spain to ensuring customers’ benefits from 100% renewable purchased electricity.

EU Contemplates 5G Vendor Ban Amid Huawei Funding Debate The European Union is debating whether to ban certain companies from their 5G networks due to security concerns. Huawei, the company most affected by the potential ban, is receiving funding of around €3.89 million from the EU for research in areas like 6G, AI, and cloud computing under the Horizon Europe research program. Horizon Europe is the EU’s main research and innovation initiative, with a proposed budget of €12.8 billion in 2024. The EU is worried about member countries, especially Germany, being slow to restrict the use of “high-risk” vendors. Analysts suggest that stricter measures from Germany would greatly impact Huawei’s presence in Europe. Read the full article European Commission Targets Google’s Adtech Dominance with Statement of Objections The European Commission has raised concerns about Google’s control of the digital advertising ecosystem and issued a Statement of Objections against the tech…