172 Results

edge computing


5G technology is quickly escalating into an exciting, innovative space, largely due to a process called network slicing. This technique enables a vast number of dynamic network slices, each with unique attributes defined by its user. Despite being in the primary stages, an array of business opportunities are on the horizon like gaming, vehicle-to-everything (V2X), IoT, and mobile edge computing, as the technology advances. Critical remote services, such as remote robotic surgeries requiring ultra-reliability over latency, become possible with robust and reliable 5G slices.

Ofcom’s revised net neutrality rules in the UK now allow broadband providers to offer tiered services based on latency, not just throughput. Furthermore, these new regulations also permit the creation of specialized services, paving the way for network slicing and multi-access edge computing in the future. On the somewhat contentious front, zero-rating, or providing unrestricted access to specific online services, gets a green light, albeit with a few conditions.