


Six global carriers form a group for MEC, 5G interoperability Verizon, Vodafone, America Movil, KT Corporation, Rogers Communications, and Telstra have joined forces to form the first-of-its-kind cooperation, the 5G Future Forum. The world’s leading telecoms and technology service providers will work together to develop interoperable 5G specifications and mobile edge computing across key geographic regions, including the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. According to the statement from the carriers, they will “develop public and private marketplaces to enhance developer and customer access to 5G, and will share global best practices in technology deployment.” Read more at: https://tinyurl.com/u3vdooh Google acquires no-code app development platform AppSheet Google has announced the acquisition of AppSheet, a no-code enterprise app development platform that allows developers without extensive programming knowledge to collect rich data, fill up apps with AI, or automatically move data. This works by extracting data from a spreadsheet, database or form, and using the…

The Chinese telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology and equipment provider ZTE Corporation has launched its first domestic cybersecurity lab in Nanjing, China, thus confirming its commitment to the ICT industry to counter cybersecurity threats. The company is also planning to expand across the globe with similar facilities in the near future, with the first installations being in Italy and Belgium. According to a statement by ZTE, the opening of a new lab represents an important milestone for the company as it aims to increase transparency and enhance trust with third parties, including customers, global regulators and other stakeholders. This initiative is in direct response to the national security concerns that are prompting several countries to apply restrictions on the use of equipment from Chinese vendors in 5G rollouts. Zhong Hong, Chief Security Officer at ZTE, said, “The security lab is an open and cooperative platform for the industry.…

ZTE Corporation and Intel have jointly launched the Light Cloud platform for access networks at the 5G Summit being held at Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona. The Light Cloud solution is based on Intel’s innovative Edge products, impeccably integrated into ZTE’s flagship optical fiber access platform, Titan, thus merging Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and Network function virtualization (NFVI). The solution employs lightweight blade servers equipped with Intel Xeon D processors. When embedded in an OLT or BRAS device, the blade servers transform it into lightweight cloud infrastructure, thus reducing high capital costs and making a positive environmental impact. The infrastructure opens up computing and storage possibilities based on telecom access equipment, and allows the deployment and distribution of application-sensitive services. The access layer with cloud features is supported by built-in blade servers, and facilitates the ability to offer a wide range of cloud applications and services, including…

The global telecommunications solutions provider ZTE and the mobile operator Hutchinson Drei Austria announced another strategic step to expand their partnership in preparation for the 5G rollout in Austria. The cooperation between mobile operators and telecommunications equipment providers is fundamental for the implementation of this cutting-edge technology, and a Joint Innovation Lab initiative was launched to develop, test and optimize the latest 5G technology solutions. The ten-year partnership between ZTE Austria and Hutchinson Drei Austria has already shown great results in upgrading the network for higher quality standards and service improvements, as demonstrated in the most recent Pre-5G trials in Austria. “The first result of the joint innovation initiative was the successful evaluation of the Pre-5G technology, which enabled us to create a commercial Pre-5G in Vienna already at the beginning of this year. This move was a breakthrough in the European telecoms market, which made Austria a true 5G…

After President Trump asked the U.S. Commerce Department to find an agreement to save ZTE Corp., an agreement has been found. It all started when an investigation found out that ZTE was doing business with Iran and North Korea by sending U.S. products. Despite the opposition of several members of congress, mostly Democrats, but also many Republicans, that are accusing Trump of bending under Chinese pressure, ZTE will be able to trade with American companies. ZTE was banned from doing any business with the U.S. since April 15th and has lost $3 billion. ZTE will have to pay a $1.3 billion fine to the U.S. in addition to a $900 million fine they already paid last year. Part of the deal, aside from the fine, includes a change in management and will have to get parts from U.S. suppliers. The situation between ZTE and the U.S. Administration created some tensions…

In a strange turn of events, the American government has been instructed by President Trump, to help Chinese tech giant ZTE Corp. The problems started for ZTE when they were caught shipping U.S. goods to Iran. The U.S. Commerce Department then prevented U.S. companies from doing any trade with ZTE. This decision literally crippled the company, forcing Donald Trump to step in and take a decision. In a recent tweet President Trump expressed its concerns and his will to find a solution. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/995680316458262533 The ban on doing trade with U.S. companies is supposed to last seven years. ZTE already paid a $1.2 billion in fine for that case. Recently, American delegations in visit in China were asked about this issue by Chinese officials, leading to Trump’s decision. ZTE currently employs 70,000 people, and earlier this month, it had to put on hold its main operations.