44 Results



Discover how Belgium’s telecommunications giant Proximus has embraced 5G technology and AI-powered vision to resolve an age-old warehouse challenge – instantaneous inventory tracking. By using 5G-enabled drones, warehouse managers can have continuous oversight and control of stock levels. This advanced management system contrasts sharply with traditional methods of RFID tags and barcodes, that despite being effective, have notably limitations due to their laborious nature.

As Hurricane Idalia sets its sights on Florida for this week’s impending landfall, Verizon is taking proactive measures to ensure the readiness of its personnel and resources, poised for rapid deployment to aid in the swift recovery of critical communication infrastructure. With the anticipation of substantial damage caused by the storm’s fierce winds and flooding, Verizon’s network team is preparing for worst-case scenarios.

A groundbreaking discovery at the University of the West of Scotland reveals a transformative way to convert human energy into electricity, powered by a 3D graphene foam material. Primed to revitalize the IoT industry, this research spotlights a pressure-sensitive mat that could generate power simply through human footfalls. Offering a unique solution to energy management, this technology could minimize the environmental impact, while fostering a new era of wireless connectivity.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) plans to invest £40m in converting local and regional authorities into ‘5G Innovation Regions.’ The funding will support regions with solid strategies to leverage 5G and wireless tech for sectors such as agriculture and transportation. One potential application is using 5G-powered drones to gather field data, enabling farmers to make efficient, informed decisions.

Strengthening its lead in the telecommunications sphere, the UK Space Agency has recently allocated £20 million to further drone-based technologies and aerial connectivity initiatives. This exciting endorsement could dramatically shape the future of many sectors, from emergency services to healthcare, illuminating the transformative potential of drone-borne support systems. How will this funding amplify the UK’s fast-growing satellite communications industry and revolutionise our everyday lives? Dig deeper to find out!

As the UK’s fibre landscape intensifies with rising competition, leading players are racing to expand gigabit-capable broadband nationwide. Noteworthy, alternative network providers, referred to as “AltNets”, are displaying proactive strategies to swiftly deploy networks. On the other hand, traditional companies are recognising opportunities in fibre rollout, as seen in Openreach’s pricing approach of their wholesale lines.

Vodafone UK is proclaiming the promise of 5G, with over 50% of UK adults agreeing that it could significantly impact their daily lives. But the telecom giant is also sparking conversation around its proposed merger with Three, a move believed to accelerate the UK’s digital future. The benefits of this merger extend to healthcare, utilities, and railways, showing strong potential to enhance these sectors through technologies enabled by 5G connectivity. However, this ambitious union faces challenges, including the controversial issue of spectrum distribution, crucial for 5G delivery. Yet, in the ever-evolving telecom landscape, it might be the willingness to navigate these challenges that determines their success.

Sneak peek into Mobile World Congress 2023 Mobile World Congress, Europe’s largest telecommunications trade event, kicks off next week, and the major European carrier organizations have provided an early glimpse at what they will display. While many companies are selling and presenting various topics at the event, the primary themes appear to be the metaverse and 5G, with few practical use cases and some unique concepts such as how operators are exploiting APIs on their networks. The show might also include high-resolution ideas of driverless cars and self-driving drones. Read more at: https://tinyurl.com/bdhhndbn Ericsson to cut 1,400 jobs in Sweden Ericsson, a telecoms equipment vendor, has revealed its intentions to decrease its staff in Sweden by around 1,400 individuals as part of massive cost-cutting initiatives. The decision followed an agreement reached with trade unions to conduct a voluntary redundancy program. Ericsson presently employs around 15,000 individuals in Sweden and 100,000…