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Carbon emission


T-Mobile has announced its latest sustainability initiative, a commitment to reach net-zero emissions across its entire carbon footprint by 2040. The operator has also joined The Climate Pledge, a community of organizations working together to combat global carbon emissions.    T-Mobile is the first wireless company in the United States to set a net-zero objective that has been certified by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) using its Net-Zero Standard. The target includes direct and indirect emissions from T-Mobile’s operations and facilities, purchased electricity, and all remaining indirect scope 3 emissions, such as those produced by suppliers, customer device usage, materials, employee travel and other factors, accounting for roughly two-thirds of the company’s total carbon footprint.   The Climate Pledge, launched in 2019 by Amazon and Global Optimism, is a pledge to reach net-zero emissions 10 years before the date targeted by the Paris Agreement. T-Mobile joins almost 400 companies…

China Mobile and Ericsson have announced the launch of two energy-efficient 5G sites in China as part of their efforts to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. The Ericsson Smart Site offers new levels of quality assurance, the intelligent administration of various energy sources, full-stack real-time monitoring, and intelligent energy and service synergy.   The initial facility, located in Jiangsu Province, runs on the 700MHz frequency and emits no carbon dioxide. The second facility, in Guangdong, operates on the 2.6GHz frequency. Both locations employ Ericsson’s power system, which optimizes the usage of energy from solar, grid and battery sources to provide the most energy-efficient operation possible. The systems also include remote management capabilities using Ericsson Network Manager.   Energy conservation and renewable energy have become major technology trends in China. As China continues to prioritize energy conservation and carbon emission reduction, the partnership between China Mobile and Ericsson is well-positioned…

Working from home is the new normal, as most of society has recently discovered. However, as this new routine has set in, the problem of achieving a proper work–life balance has also barged through the door. The abrupt transition to remote work has obscured the physical and psychological barrier that existed between home and the workplace.   At first, the opportunity for the workers to work from home was seen as a positive aspect that promotes work-life balance. However, unfavorable indications emerged over time, since family and professional commitments sometimes tug employees in opposite directions. Full article: https://voip.review/2022/02/21/find-work-life-balance-working-home/ The telecom industry is responsible for keeping the globe linked through communications services. There are many aspects of these services that we take for granted, from private calls to business interactions. However, it is only because of the telecom sector that we are able to swiftly connect to individuals all over the…

Orange to cut down energy use by deploying 5G Orange claims to be on a mission to alleviate strain on Europe’s energy networks. The corporation asserts that it can save energy and is doing this by introducing the latest generation of technology, in particular 5G. All of this effort is being applied in order for the company to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Deploying 5G is cited as a crucial component of this undertaking. Read more at: https://tinyurl.com/4zmnpfce FCC bans all Huawei and ZTE equipment The sale and import of equipment produced by Chinese manufacturers Huawei and ZTE has been banned by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Dahua Technology and Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, as well as radio equipment producer Hytera Communications Corp., are also banned. According to the FCC, these suppliers pose a threat to national security in the United States, and their technology may potentially be…

Vodafone and WWF have announced a new relationship that will advance the communications company’s net-zero goal for 2040, while enhancing the circular economy through the collecting and recycling of smartphones. The program is a component of Vodafone’s three-year alliance with WWF, with initiatives being focused on assisting customers to make more environmentally friendly decisions.   The “One million phones for the planet” campaign went live on November 22nd, 2022 in support of Vodafone’s circularity and net-zero goals. The new project contributes to Vodafone’s goal of reusing, reselling or recycling 100% of its network waste. Additionally, it will accelerate progress toward the company’s flagship net-zero goal.   Customers in Europe and Africa will be encouraged to trade in their outdated mobile devices for repair, refurbishment or recycling. Vodafone will donate £1, or the equivalent in local currency, for every phone collected as a contribution to WWF conservation projects all across the…

The UK’s first live wind and solar-powered mobile phone mast has been activated in Pembrokeshire (Wales) by Vodafone UK. The self-powered mast will provide 4G service to the community of Eglwyswrw and will be powered by a wind turbine, solar panels and on-site battery storage.    The new mast contributes to Vodafone’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2027 for its UK operations. The mast is meant to eliminate the requirement for a connection to the national energy grid, a strategy that will assist in delivering connectivity in rural and distant places that are now without those critical services.   The mast is equipped with a one-of-a-kind wind turbine that can generate electricity even in low wind conditions and can be deployed without the need for electrical connections. This infrastructure is also extremely quiet, making it ideal for installation in sensitive locations.   The study is being carried out…

The successful demonstration of renewable energy sources in a 5G mobile site has been confirmed by Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson. Both companies collaborated to convert a live radio station utilizing a management system to optimize power supply and demand by leveraging solar and wind energy.   The site in Dittenheim, 120 kilometers north of Munich, has been partially powered by solar panels for over a year as part of a prior collaboration between the two enterprises. Wind turbines have now been installed as part of a new trial to increase the site’s renewable energy capability. Acting as a second renewable energy power source, the wind turbine is capable of providing up to 5kW of additional electricity. When the conditions are ideal, the facility may run entirely on renewable energy, eliminating the requirement for use of the electrical power grid.   The Ericsson Power System, which handles the two power sources…

Verizon drives towards its goal of net zero carbon emissions Verizon has used the proceeds from its most recent $1 billion green bond to sign a number of renewable energy purchase agreements (REPAs) in an effort to make its operations more ecologically friendly. These REPAs encompass around 910 megawatts of new renewable energy producing capacity throughout seven states in the USA, with wind turbines accounting for around 51% and solar panels for the remaining 49%. By 2025, the operator claims it will have sourced or generated renewable energy equal to 50% of its annual electricity use. Read more at: https://tinyurl.com/4fzb629n Broadvoice to officially launch GoContact BPO offering At the Call & Contact Center Expo US, Broadvoice, a supplier of hosted voice, unified communications (UC) and SIP Trunking services for businesses, will demonstrate its new contact center solution for the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector. This new offering is the result…

Axiata Group, a Malaysian multinational telecommunications group with widespread operations in Asia, has signed a commitment to the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi), formalizing their intention to set a long-term science-based target of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.   Axiata claimed in a statement that it is the first Malaysian telecommunications provider to implement the SBTi, joining more than 50 mobile carriers worldwide in rapidly addressing climate action. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) are driving this project, and the SBTi is the primary partner of the Business Ambition initiative for the 1.5°C campaign.   The Science Based Targets project, in collaboration with the UN Global Compact and the We Mean Business Coalition, is leading the Business Ambition for 1.5°C. This campaign is an urgent call to action for businesses to establish…

AT&T has established a Connected Climate Initiative (CCI), which aims to bring together partners and academics to further cut carbon emissions. The firm has set an industry-leading goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 1 billion metric tons by 2035.   A gigaton is equivalent to roughly 15% of US greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 3% of worldwide energy-related emissions, or 1.6 billion flights from Los Angeles to New York.   The company intends to convene the brightest minds from leading technology companies, AT&T Business customers, universities, and nonprofits through the newly formed Connected Climate Initiative to identify best practices, develop innovative new products and use cases, and scale the innovations of startup partners building future’s 5G- and other broadband-enabled climate solutions. At the heart of this initiative is a push to persuade business IT firms to use more renewable energy sources, as well as to move more application…