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In the realm of mobile communication, Virginie Debris stands as a seasoned expert, navigating the evolution from ringtones to Rich Communication Services (RCS). With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, she recently captivated audiences at Mobile World Congress, delving into RCS’s transformative potential. In this exclusive interview, Virginie sheds light on her journey and shares invaluable insights into the future of messaging.

Internet connectivity in West Africa is in a fragile state due to substantial damage to critical undersea cables resulting in limited or non-existent service in regions including Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Benin. The impact is reportedly extreme, with ripple effects reaching as far as South Africa. Telecom giants MTN and Vodafone linked the disruptions to these cable issues.

Arelion and Telxius are collaborating to provide fully diverse, multi-terabit connectivity into Telxius’ landing stations in Boca Raton and Jacksonville, Florida. This fiber network expansion establishes Arelion Points-of-Presence (PoPs) at each Telxius landing station. For Telxius, it empowers customers with resilient Tier-1 optical transport and high-speed access to Arelion’s North American network. Together, Arelion and Telxius are making a significant investment in the Florida Peninsula to connect Latin American customers to North America through submarine and terrestrial systems.

The lapse of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) authority to auction spectrum has reached a one-year milestone, casting a shadow over the United States’ telecommunications landscape and its position on the global stage. This standstill not only reflects the pervasive partisanship and dysfunction within the US government but also threatens the country’s innovative edge and economic competitiveness.

Mobile Experts released a report on the growth of Private LTE and 5G in sectors like offices and schools. EnGenius launches the EOC655 series for outdoor connectivity, designed for smart cities and public safety. UK Altnets have urged the government for harsh penalties against fibre infrastructure vandalism. Klika Tech won the 2024 IoT Global Awards in the “Smart Cities, Government & Utilities” category.

In a significant move at the Mobile World Congress this year, Orange has taken a step further in its environmental initiatives by enhancing its partnership with Cisco. This collaboration is not new, as Orange Business has been distributing Cisco solutions for over two decades. However, the addition of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) brings a fresh focus on environmental transparency and the shared goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).

At MWC 2024, a pioneering agreement was drawn between Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison and Huawei, aiming to bolster AI’s transformative role in industry applications and skill enhancement. With AI driving industrial growth, both parties jointly commit to democratizing digitalization and nurturing shared cloud resources, fostering innovation and significant growth.