


A fresh structure designed to secure EU data housed in the US has been implemented, but disputes persist surrounding the safety of EU data during transatlantic transfers. While the EU sees the potential of unwarranted surveillance by US security forces, the US finds it challenging to alleviate these suspicions. Despite concerns raised by privacy activists, notable tech powerhouses like Facebook are in favor of this framework, thinking it’ll protect essential goods and services. This leaves a potent question around the future of data protection lingering in the air.

LogRhythm, the company helping security teams stop breaches by turning disconnected data and signals into trustworthy insights, has partnered with The Health Informatics Service (THIS), an innovative, collaborative NHS organization providing digital and IT services, to transform healthcare security in the UK with LogRhythm Axon. The partnership enables THIS to serve one of its key customers within the Bradford District and Craven Place with a 100% cloud-native security operations platform.  THIS gains a flexible security solution that minimizes expenses and provides a simple platform design for security teams to identify threats. Axon’s increasing adoption in Europe is strengthening enterprise’s hybrid IT security postures within the region and enhancing the analyst experience with complete visibility into network threats. “The threat landscape in Europe is currently experiencing rapid growth, with more organizations featuring in headlines after falling victim to sophisticated attacks. Amongst these organizations, the healthcare industry is one of the biggest…

DIDWW, a provider of premium quality VoIP communications and two-way SIP trunking services worldwide, has successfully passed the annual ISO 27001 audit for the Information Security Management System (ISMS). This step further demonstrates the telecom operator’s commitment to protecting corporate data and customer information while maintaining the highest standards of security in its operations. As one of the world’s most recognized information security frameworks, ISO 27001 certification reinforces a set of standards for effective data protection. The successful renewal of this certificate confirms that the DIDWW ISMS remains aligned with the best international practices for information security. The scope of ISO 27001 certification includes employees, processes, software development, and infrastructures that continue to operate, innovate, and support voice capacity building, messaging and cloud PBX services. The reaffirmation of ISO 27001 certification by DIDWW serves as further evidence for the company’s partners and customers regarding the continued quality and security of…

We may not always realize it, but we spend a good part of our lives online. We frequently reveal our names, addresses and credit card numbers when accessing shopping and social networking sites, and trust those sites to keep us and our information secure. You lock the door when you wish to keep your home safe. The same should apply on the Internet, where we can considerably limit our exposure to a variety of hazards by implementing a modest number of Internet safety measures. You know what they say – the Internet is like your front door: a lock doesn’t do much good if you leave the key under the welcome mat. Is it safe to be in the Internet? Learning about cybersecurity and online safety might feel like swimming through a sea of technical jargon. There are several cybersecurity terminologies to be familiar with, but we’ve selected a handful of…

Telecommunications and data services vendor BullsEye Telecom and the cloud-based VoIP networks security solutions provider RedShift Networks have announced a new partnership to deliver innovative cybersecurity solutions for protecting and securing enterprise VoIP and SIP-based networks. BullsEye Telecom is adopting RedShift’s VoIP security, threat intelligence analytics and proactive fraud prevention technologies to ensure industry-specific compliance for regulatory sensitive clients in the healthcare, financial and government services industries. Vilas Uchil, Vice president of Technology and Engineering for BullsEye, said, “Our clients now have access to an incredible portfolio of cloud, voice and unified communications security protection through our partnership with RedShift Networks. Together, BullsEye and RedShift offer clients proven solutions and security to protect their VoIP and UCaaS networks against expensive malicious attacks. We are preventing theft, fraudulent transactions and service downtime.” As stated in the announcement, RedShift’s Unified Communication Threat Management (UCTM) platform works to establish communication baselines…

China’s Huawei Technologies has launched new database and storage products with the aim of redefining its data infrastructure and strengthening the global presence of its cloud business. The world’s first AI-native database GaussDB supports differentiated scenarios such as private and public clouds and data services in the finance, internet, logistics and automotive sectors. Huawei’s FusionStorage 8.0 is claimed to be the industry’s best-performing distributed storage solution for supporting enterprise applications. “Humanity is entering the age of an intelligent world,” said David Wang, Huawei Executive Director of the Board and President of ICT Strategy and Marketing. “Data is the new factor of production, and intelligence the new productivity. Heterogeneous, intelligent, and converged databases will become the key data infrastructure of the financial, government, and telecoms industries.” With this new database management product, the Shenzhen-based company marks its official entry into the database field and places itself in direct competition with…