


Telinta, a global leader in white label cloud-based switching and billing solutions for VoIP service providers, announced that it has integrated highly cost-effective “speech-to-text” for voicemail transcription provided by Google Cloud. Google Cloud’s automated transcription enables VoIP service providers to easily transcribe voicemails on Telinta’s softswitch platform, and deliver the text to end users via email.  Google Cloud’s sub-penny pricing provides an extremely cost-effective solution for automated voicemail-to-text (v2t) transcription in over 125 languages and dialects using the Telinta customers own Google Cloud account.  Google Cloud provides options specially optimized and tuned for telephony. Voicemail is a standard part of Telinta’s white label solutions for VoIP service providers and is offered at no additional cost.  Telinta has developed a special plug-in which enables Google Cloud voicemail transcription, and is available for a small monthly fee.  Inbound minutes of traffic, including voicemail, is free for Telinta customers. The…