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In its quest to deliver more comprehensive next-generation enterprise networks, the UK-based Colt Technology Services has launched two new features underpinned by its SD-WAN platform, VoIP optimization and support for IPv6. The company is an innovator and pioneer in Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), running its Colt IQ Network that now connects more than 900 data centers across Europe, Asia and North America’s largest business hubs with over 29,000 on-net locations. In a statement, the operator said that these new features address the shift in network demand that businesses around the world are currently experiencing, as many have to adapt to the new standards of mass remote working and having additional devices connecting to their already stretched networks. This coronavirus-induced shift to remote working means that enterprises now have a significantly increased demand for VoIP-enabled networking products. Peter Coppens, Vice President of Product Portfolio…

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), the Irish national regulatory authority, and the current Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton TD have signed new regulations that will allow the release of additional radio spectrum to create extra capacity for mobile phone and broadband services. These are temporary measures taken in response to a sharp increase in the use of mobile networks, as people rely more heavily on their operators to communicate and stay connected during COVID-19 social distancing. According to ComReg, mobile operators have coped well with increased usage so far, but they have currently less headroom to accommodate further spikes in demand. ComReg Commissioner, Jeremy Godfrey, said, “The provision of this spectrum will help the mobile providers cater for the increased demand on their networks. ComReg will continue to work with industry and will support operators so that telecoms networks may continue to meet demand…

Comcast says voice and video calls have skyrocketed 212 percent during widespread self-isolation Comcast Corporation, a global media and technology company, has announced that voice and video calls have more than tripled on its network since people across the US started working from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak. According to the company, traffic in this category has increased by 212 percent in total, while overall peak traffic on its network has grown by 32 percent. Tony Werner, Comcast’s tech leader, said that the additional traffic is “well within the capabilities of the network,” and despite the increases in usage, the company’s network is working just fine. Read more at https://tinyurl.com/skncjow Zoom freezes feature development to fix security and privacy issues Over the past few weeks, the Zoom video conferencing app has been widely used for personal and business online meetings during the coronavirus lockdowns around the world. According to the…

Work from home: Can the telecoms industry take the strain? Many businesses opt for remote working due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, and this has led to a dramatic increase in the use of online services. The additional pressure is proving problematic for the telecoms industry in Spain, which has reported a 40 percent increase in data consumption and a 50 percent increase in mobile phone usage. Movistar (Telefonica), Orange, Vodafone, Masmovil, and Euskaltel have issued a joint statement in anticipation of the national lockdown, urging customers to take “intelligent and responsible use of the network and the resources it provides us.” Meanwhile, BT, the UK’s largest telecom provider, said that its network can handle it. Read more at https://tinyurl.com/sm8bms7 Vodafone unveils five-point plan to combat COVID-19 Vodafone has put forward a five-point plan to maintain network services and assist governments across Europe in controlling the outbreak of coronavirus. The five…

We live in a world of increasingly complex telecom and VoIP services, with subscribers having access to an abundance of cutting-edge products. The fierce competition in the field of communications demands an excellent customer experience in order to attract and retain customers, and to reduce churn. With so many choices on offer, the power has shifted to customers – if faced with a problem, they have come to expect an immediate resolution. Unfortunately, the surveys of customer experience in the telecommunication world reveal that, in general, consumers have a very low opinion of the telecoms industry and are dissatisfied with the support that they receive from their providers. It seems that the reason for this deficiency may be found in the mindset of telecom operators, who devote most of their time and effort to building and managing their VoIP networks, rather than indulging their customers. Satisfactory customer experience in…

Do you want to change your telecommunication service provider, but need to keep your current phone number? This process is called number portability, and defines the mechanism and procedures that allow you to switch from one phone network service provider to another in any Licensed Service Area (LSA), while maintaining your existing number. Number portability offers customers the right to exercise their choice in selecting a service provider and, at the same time, avoid the inconvenience of being allocated a new phone number. This important facility provides the customer with freedom-of-choice and, as a result, generates competition among service providers encouraging lower tariffs, improved services and enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) of the networks. It is important to note that the portability feature only concerns the phone number, and is not applicable to services. In this article we focus on the complete porting process from start to finish and, at…

VoIP has become an integral part of the day-to-day lives of many people throughout the world, offering a plethora of technological advancements and options, simplifying many communication processes and making interactions more convenient and consumer friendly. VoIP is one of the most talked-about technologies, and its prevalence is anticipated to grow in the upcoming years. Over the last twenty years, VoIP has provided businesses around the world with the convenience of increased mobility, due to constant development and emerging cutting-edge technologies. The usage of VoIP as a service has grown rapidly – between 1998 and 2002, VoIP carried only 1-3% of all voice calls worldwide, but in 2005, VoIP was responsible for more than 200 billion call minutes. With 2019 already underway, let’s have a look at what the future holds for the VoIP communications industry. In particular, we examine the insights and predictions regarding the trends and technologies that will…

We are rapidly evolving into a digital and decentralized society, where private keys on mobile devices will play a critical and indispensable role in ensuring the safety of our daily transactions and securing our digital identities. FIX Network are aiming to revolutionize the blockchain and cellular industries by providing mobile device users with innovative key holder and transaction security, coupled with a practical user experience. The underlying technology for securing the user’s private keys are the SIM cards used by mobile operators, enabled by the FIX Network open-source STK residing on those SIM cards. This standard SIM hardware, together with blockchain- powered, distributed policy engines that govern end-user transactions, form the architectural backbone of the FIX Network security solution. This solution introduces the concept of a pool of SIM cards, enhancing security, and at the same time, eliminating the possibility of a single point of failure. Multiple SIM…

Nowadays, there is a strong movement towards online marketing. However, the phone number will always remain an essential business identifier, and is often the first real contact that a customer has with a business. A vanity number has been proven to be an effective technique for making the right impression with your customers and adding visibility to your company, forming an integral part of a successful company branding strategy. What is a vanity number? A vanity (also called ‘golden’ or ‘special’) number spells out a specific word or a phrase when using a phone dial pad, or consists of a distinct sequence of digits, such as repeated digits or special number combinations. These are easy to remember phone numbers, such as 1-800-LAWYERS, 1-212-NYPIZZA, or 1-888-2477777. If you are in the process of considering a vanity number for your business, voip.review is here to help you make up your mind by…