
Syniverse Introduces Solution for Reliable SMS Delivery Amid 5G Transition

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Syniverse, a leading global connectivity provider, has unveiled its latest innovation, Evolved Mobility for Messaging. This solution is designed to help mobile network operators (MNOs) ensure dependable SMS message delivery for inbound roamers using various messaging protocol standards.

The new service addresses significant challenges faced by MNOs decommissioning their 2G and 3G infrastructures, as well as greenfield operators lacking SS7 fallback capabilities for SMS. Evolved Mobility for Messaging supports SMS over the Diameter protocol while maintaining compatibility with legacy SS7 networks, facilitating the transition to VoLTE and 5G connectivity without losing SMS roaming capabilities or associated revenue streams.

Currently, nearly 60% of the 175 VoLTE roaming-enabled carriers globally require visited operators to support SS7 fallback for SMS, complicating roaming partnership formations. The GSMA reports that about a third of mobile connections still operate on 2G or 3G networks, a figure expected to remain above 10% for the next five years, highlighting the necessity of legacy technology support.

John Wick, Syniverse’s Chief Product Officer, emphasized the critical nature of this innovation, stating, “Without SS7 fallback support for SMS, MNOs risk losing valuable revenue from roaming subscribers, which is crucial for offsetting 5G rollout investments. Evolved Mobility for Messaging ensures reliable SMS services for roamers, broadens operators’ roaming capabilities with over 100 new VoLTE partnerships, and provides a competitive edge during the 5G transition.”

This solution facilitates signaling between Diameter and SS7 protocols, acting as a Diameter SMS center for visited networks and a 3G GSM roaming interface for home networks. It also mediates Diameter signaling to inform visited networks of home network support for Diameter-based messaging.

Evolved Mobility for Messaging generates comprehensive call detail records (CDRs) and captures all necessary billing information, crucial for both interworked and home operators supporting Diameter-based SMS. Its cloud-based deployment allows quick implementation without requiring changes from home or visited networks, ensuring scalability and consistent service levels.

This launch is part of Syniverse’s broader Evolved Mobility suite, which includes solutions like Evolved Mobility for Outbound and Evolved Mobility for Inbound, helping MNOs navigate the 5G network transition smoothly.

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