Broadband Telecom News

Netomnia’s Broadband Expansion: Strategic Leaps and Challenges Ahead

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The recent announcement, Netomnia, the fastest-growing provider of broadband infrastructure in the UK, unveils an expansion of high-speed internet connectivity, with more than 500,000 premises now having access to high-speed broadband services, with speeds of up to 10Gbps via the XGS PON fibre infrastructure. This encompasses the services that are already provided to approximately 40,000 customers via its affiliate firm YouFibre.

The attainment of this half a million target underpins a significant stride towards the company’s growth aspirations. Its ambitious plans are geared towards connecting one million homes by the start of 2024. With its successful penetration into over 125,000 premises during Q2 of 2023, the business is now scaling up operations and intends to connect 500,000 homes and commercial sites each year.

Netomnia Chief Executive Officer, Jeremy Chelot, reflects positively on the company’s efforts and progress, “Hitting the half a million mark for premises while already serving 40,000 of them is a substantial achievement. This reflects the unwavering commitment and hard labour of our entire team. We had a humble start just two and a half years ago, and now we operate the UK’s sixth-largest network, have the third-fastest build rate, and we’re expanding in all four UK countries.”

Chelot expressed satisfaction regarding the company’s brisk strides in line with their ambitious goals. “We wholeheartedly recognise the demand for a resilient, future-proofed network like ours, hence our dedication to making this a reality for as many people as possible,” he noted.

The objective of the full-fibre broadband network rollout is two-fold: competing in markets with existing connections and offering quality, high-speed access in areas that hitherto lacked in connectivity, particularly the rural and less-resourced sectors in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

An opportunity to gain additional insights into alternative networks is forthcoming at the UK’s largest digital economy gathering, ‘Connected Britain.’ Other newsworthy items include a discussion: “What’s in a name? Trials and tribulations of being an altnet,” GoFibre’s launch of its fibre build operations in rural Northumberland, and CityFibre securing a trio of Project Gigabit contracts worth £318m.

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