Telco Buzz

Unpacking BT and BGC’s Deal: A Leap Towards Digital Excellence

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A recently inked deal between BT and Basrah Gas Company (BGC) aims to accelerate BGC’s digital transformation by providing a secure connection for its operations in Iraq. This strategic alliance brings together a leading telecom giant and a major contributor to Iraq’s liquefied petroleum gas production.

BGC’s legacy can be traced back to 2013, when it was birthed from a joint venture. The Iraqi government holds a majority stake of 51%, while Shell owns 44%, leaving 5% for Mitsubishi. The company has since become responsible for the majority (70%) of Iraq’s liquified petroleum gas supplies and has secured its place in the nation’s gas export industry.

In its quest for excellence and eco-conscious operations, BGC also stands out as one of the largest gas flare reduction initiatives globally. This agreement with BT aims to further enhance BGC’s operations and reach.

Under the terms of this pact, BT will deliver a robust network infrastructure. This will link BGC’s office locations, processing units, and their trio of gas fields. Complementing this, BT will also boost connectivity to hyperscalers to provide faster and smoother delivery of cloud-based apps, including Microsoft 365.

Reacting to this alliance, BGC’s Managing Director, Andrew Wiper, expressed, “Collaborating with BT is an important milestone for BGC. In forging this alliance, we propel BGC towards global excellence.” Wiper went on to emphasize the importance of “robust and efficient connectivity” which paves the way to safety and efficiency in their operations.

BT’s Managing Director of Global Industries and Government, Eyad Shihabi, shared similar sentiments about the partnership. He identified the deal as “a new chapter in this relationship by delivering the high standards of quality and reliability of services directly to BGC in Iraq.”

This recent development reinforces the transformational potential of telecommunications technology. As businesses and sectors pivot towards digitally-enabled operations, reliable connectivity champions global excellence.

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