
Vodafone Spain and Ericsson Promote Potential of Private 5G Networks

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Vodafone Spain is collaborating with Ericsson to promote the transformative capabilities of private 5G networks for enterprises. The initiative includes a series of conferences across Spain, showcasing the technology’s potential to revolutionize various industrial sectors.

Private 5G networks, known for their low latency, high capacity, and enhanced security, are being implemented globally, from university campuses to offshore oil rigs. These networks enable advanced use cases such as intelligent automation and autonomous robots. Despite these advantages, widespread adoption in industries has been slow, with many viewing the technology as beneficial but not essential.

The conferences aim to shift this perception by highlighting the impact of high-speed, low-latency connectivity on industrial scalability, security, cloud-based data processing, and service-level agreement management. Jesús Suso, director of Vodafone Business, emphasized the revolutionary potential of private 5G networks, stating that they offer unprecedented connectivity that can significantly enhance innovation and efficiency across various sectors in Spain. He expressed enthusiasm about collaborating with Ericsson to demonstrate these capabilities.

The first event is being held today in Vigo, hosted by automotive parts specialist Recalvi. The tour will continue in cities including Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, Castellón, and Málaga. While specific participating enterprises have not been disclosed, Vodafone’s recent successes with private 5G in Spain underscore the technology’s potential. Notably, in January, Vodafone deployed a standalone private 5G network at a Ford production plant in Valencia.

Through these conferences, Vodafone Spain and Ericsson aim to illustrate how private 5G networks can meet the specific demands of different industries, driving innovation and efficiency to new heights.

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