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Logicalis Advances Sustainability Goals, Achieves Major Emissions Cuts

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Logicalis, a global technology services provider, has recently reported substantial advancements in its environmental sustainability initiatives, as detailed in its Responsible Business Report 2024. The report reveals a 27% reduction in scope 1 emissions and a 17% decline in market-based scope 2 emissions since 2022.

This announcement coincides with the Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi) approval of Logicalis’s net-zero emissions goals. Logicalis aims for a 50% reduction in absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with the overarching goal of reaching net-zero for scope 1, 2, and 3 by 2050 or sooner.

In FY24, 11 operations in the UK, Germany, Spain, and Australia transitioned to renewable energy. This is part of a broader goal to convert 75% of its global operations to renewable energy by 2025, reaching 100% by 2030. Future transitions are planned for Portugal, Germany, Ireland, and the Channel Islands within the next year.

Bob Bailkoski, CEO of Logicalis, expressed the company’s commitment by saying, “We believe that organizations like ours have a vital role to play in addressing climate change. We are proud of the proactive steps that we have taken, we’re evolving into the responsible business we envisioned and will continue to strive for better outcomes for all our stakeholders through increasingly responsible business practices.”

Logicalis is also concentrating on its supply chain’s environmental impact. The company intends to ensure that 85% of its suppliers, by spend, meet science-based targets by 2028. To address scope 3 emissions, Logicalis is encouraging low-carbon travel and commuting. Their pilot program, in collaboration with climate group RouteZero, led to a 42% reduction in group travel emissions for 50 employees in FY24. Following this success, smart travel platforms will be integrated across Logicalis’s operations.

Charissa Jaganath, head of responsible business at Logicalis, highlighted a major challenge, stating, “One of the most significant challenges we face as a business is continuing to reduce our scope emission whilst also driving commercial growth. Despite this, sustainability remains a priority at Logicalis. We understand that there is an urgent need to reduce damage to our planet, which is why we regularly assess our progress to ensure we are on the right track and maintaining momentum. We will continue to do this whilst collaborating with our colleagues and partners to ensure we collectively contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.”

The company has also invested significantly in global community projects and employee development through its Responsible Business strategy. Between FY22 and FY24, Logicalis directed over USD $500,000 towards community projects aimed at improving access to STEM education and technology skills for women and minority groups. These efforts benefitted 1,400 people globally in 2024 alone.

Moreover, Logicalis invested USD $1.9 million in employee career development, training, and accreditations. All employees completed mandatory environmental, social, and governance (ESG) training, which equipped them with practical steps to help achieve the company’s ESG goals.

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