Market Trends

VoIP: A New Role in the Business World

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The VoIP industry is growing rapidly in both the consumer and business sectors. According to a report published by IBISWorld, the industry’s revenue is expected to grow 10 percent annually reaching $20 billion. Much of this growth is due to the fact that VoIP services allow businesses to reduce their costs significantly.

With its quick technology developments, VoIP is considered much more valuable today than in the past, and trends are indicating its new role in the business technology field. All of the following VoIP trends are either contributing to its evolution or helping to identify areas that can be improved.

Integration with other Software Systems and Apps

VoIP phones will not only become integrated with enterprise software systems such as CRM and ERP, but will also work with cloud-based software programs through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), allowing employees to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. This integration will surely help businesses increase their productivity.

Number of Users of Mobile VoIP Will Rise

VoIP on mobile devices will most likely be used more and more often in the next years. Employees who spend a lot of time out of the office will need to be able to transfer a conversation with a customer from their office phone to their mobile device, quickly and smoothly.


For numerous internal and external reasons, companies have to continuously increase or decrease their staff. VoIP technology will allow them to continue growing without being loaded by its structure or available resources, increasing the business’ level of performance and efficiency.

5G Technology Is On Its Way

Although it is still in the development phase, 5G Technology will most likely become available in the next three to five years. With the creation of the 5G Technical Forum, important vendors in the U.S are shortening the time left for its implementation. With its higher speed and capacity, 5G will certainly also bring higher quality VoIP services.

Network Strain

As the ‘Internet of Things’ continues to grow and link more and more devices to the Internet, network strain may become a serious issue. Maybe, introducing 5G Technology will help solve this problem.

Security is Imperative

Encryption, firewalls and user authentication are some of the solutions that help address cybersecurity issues. But as security cracks become more and more frequent, especially with VoIP moving toward greater integration with cloud systems, VoIP providers must be more attentive and continue to improve their technology to fight cyber threats.

All in all, VoIP technology enables businesses to contain costs and increase their productivity. With continuous improvements in security, integration and network speed, more and more companies will switch to VoIP, thus enforcing its new role in the business technology arena.

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