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SIDI Hub: Transforming Digital Identity for Global Interoperability

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Digital identity is becoming increasingly important as more transactions and interactions move into the virtual sphere. Acknowledging this, 17 prominent open-standard organizations in the digital identity field have come together to forge a new initiative known as the Sustainable and Interoperable Digital Identity (SIDI) Hub. The objective of this alliance is to lay out the necessary groundwork to enable digital identities that are capable of crossing borders.

Digital identity schemes are cropping up everywhere – we see them launched or in development at various levels encompassing national, regional, public, and private sectors. Despite this proliferation, there is yet to be a digital identity model that is completely interoperable across borders.

Observing the weaknesses manifested in the presently fragmented framework, the SIDI Hub was envisioned as a platform for facilitating the journey towards this ideal – a digital identity that transcends geographical barriers. A representative of the SIDI Hub voiced the importance of this vision, highlighting the necessity for interoperability in creating an equitable and inclusive digital society, where individuals can prove their identity, online and offline, anytime and anywhere.

To inaugurate this alliance and initiate discussions, the SIDI Hub conducted its premier summit at TRUSTECH 2023. The event registered the presence of over 120 digital identity connoisseurs from governmental bodies across 22 countries, multilateral organizations, standard organizations, and non-profit organizations. Distinguished attendees included delegates from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), various UN agencies, and the World Bank.

Key insights emerged from the summit. A staggering majority, over 75%, endorsed the establishment of a minimum set of requirements for interoperability as the most vital milestone in achieving cross-border interoperability. The SIDI Hub representative took away the lessons and insights from this forum, acknowledging that it underlined the commitment of all sectors to an interoperable digital future. Retaining a global perspective, the representative also recognized the diversity in perspectives about digital identity – priorities, challenges, opportunities, and requirements can greatly vary across countries of the Global North and South. This view underscores the necessity of addressing local context and nuanced issues in each country context – including social, cultural, regulatory, and legal norms.

Committing to the roadmap defined at the summit, over 90% of attendees endorsed that the work launched by SIDI Hub must be continued in 2024. In responding to this mandate, SIDI Hub has identified a roadmap and delineated its workstreams. These include defining the use cases that will form the baseline for all workstreams, defining the minimum interoperable requirements for these critical use cases, mapping trust schemes across jurisdictions, and defining success metrics.

To push forward with their roadmap, the Hub is set to host a series of virtual and in-person assemblies during this year. This invitation is open to all organizations that are involved in the development, adoption, and execution of digital identity solutions. Join the initiative to raise your voice and contribute to this monumental endeavor. You can engage with the SIDI Hub and stay abreast of the latest news and events by joining the LinkedIn community, visiting the website, and subscribing to the SIDI Hub newsletter.

The SIDI Hub is a collaboration between several leading organizations in the field of digital identity including the Accountable Digital Identity Association (ADIA), Better Identity Coalition, Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC), Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance, GlobalPlatform, Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), IDPro, Kantara, OASIS, Open Identity Exchange (OIX), OpenID Foundation, Secure Identity Alliance (SIA)/ OSIA, Trust Over IP (ToIP) Foundation, Women In Identity, and World Privacy Forum.

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