Telefónica Tech and IBM Collaborate to Harness AI for Enterprises

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Telefónica Tech and IBM have partnered to leverage the growing interest in AI among businesses. Initially focused on Spain, this collaboration aims to address various digital transformation challenges that companies face, particularly in integrating and maximizing data analytics and AI, including generative AI (GenAI).

An IBM study reveals that nearly half of Spanish companies using AI have increased their investments over the past two years. This trend presents a significant opportunity for Telefónica Tech and IBM to offer solutions to support these businesses.

The partnership will commence with the development of an open, hybrid, and multi-cloud platform for data management and AI. This platform, named Shark.X, integrates IBM’s virtualized storage, compute, and networking solutions, and is hosted at Telefónica Tech’s enterprise innovation center, La Cabina. Shark.X is designed to manage the entire data value chain and includes IBM’s watsonx AI and data platform for developing and deploying AI applications.

Telefónica Tech will provide consultancy services to tailor the deployment architecture for each customer, integrate the solution into their environment, and develop AI use cases. Additionally, a use case office has been established to showcase their joint capabilities and develop various minimum viable products (MVPs). These MVPs include GenAI solutions for generating IT application code, cognitive assistants for industrial operations, process automation, customer service enhancements, and the management of audiovisual content and text documents.

Furthermore, Telefónica and IBM will offer learning resources, training, and certification programs to equip businesses with the necessary AI skills. This initiative is crucial as Gartner predicts that by 2026, over 80% of global enterprises will have adopted GenAI technologies, compared to less than 5% in 2023.

Telefónica Tech’s AI and data unit director, Elena Gil Lizasoain, emphasized the value of this collaboration in promoting efficient and sustainable business practices through advanced AI and data management solutions. This partnership aims to guide enterprises in responsibly utilizing AI technologies, ensuring accuracy, productivity, and ethical compliance.

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