Telecom News

ABB signs a new deal with BT

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BT and ABB, a Swedish–Swiss multinational corporation specializing in robotics, power and automation technology, have announced a collaboration to upgrade the latter’s globally managed communications infrastructure to new levels of performance and flexibility to support the company’s new operating model.


Under this partnership, BT will modernize ABB’s network infrastructure in cooperation with ABB’s Information Systems team to build a sustainable, robust and secure core platform with a highly automated and data-driven managed service. BT will provide an end-to-end, comprehensive, multi-layered cyber security environment to support ABB’s cloud-first goals. The company will install, operate and monitor over 1,100 end-point devices, constantly validating every device, user and application that is connected to the network.


Security is a primary focus as ABB implements its cloud plan, which involves consolidating data centers and sending more apps and data to the cloud. With nearly 600 locations in 60 countries, the communications infrastructure will safely and reliably connect people, devices and machines.


BT will provide ABB with a variety of connectivity choices for each location, including 5G access, by using the most recent software-defined networking technologies. The upgrades will also provide ABB with a new software-driven platform provided through Wifi 6 to allow mobility and digital manufacturing ideas at production sites, such as robots, IoT and Big Data technologies.


Alec Joannou, Group CIO, ABB, commented: “ABB’s world-class technology and digital capabilities are deeply embedded in our DNA. Maintaining and improving our innovation, technology and digital leadership is a strategic priority across the company. BT is a great fit for our Information Systems function. As our trusted partner, it has helped us keep pace with a dynamic digital landscape and is now evolving our communications infrastructure to support our digital ambitions.”


It is also worth noting that by selecting BT, ABB will ensure that its network is served by a supplier that uses 100% renewable power globally and has committed to attaining net zero emissions across all of its activities by 2030.


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