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AvaSure Unveils Advanced Analytics Portal for Intelligent Virtual Care

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AvaSure, a leader in virtual care solutions for hospitals, has introduced significant upgrades to its analytics portal, empowering healthcare providers with deeper insights into critical metrics. The enhanced AvaSure Analytics™ portal, now integrated with Microsoft PowerBI tools, enables robust analysis of virtual care program performance.

Adam McMullin, CEO of AvaSure, highlighted the platform’s achievements, having monitored nearly 2 million patients over 145 million hours nationwide. This technology, praised for its cost-saving potential, reduces the need for 1:1 sitters by 75%, fostering patient safety while minimizing expenses.

With persistent staffing shortages impacting healthcare, virtual care has emerged as a vital solution for hospitals seeking flexibility and efficiency. AvaSure’s platform facilitates seamless integration of remote and in-person care, optimizing resource allocation and response times.

Lisbeth Votruba, AvaSure’s chief clinical officer, emphasized the portal’s user-friendly design, allowing organizations to pinpoint areas for improvement and measure success against benchmarks. These insights equip leadership with clear data on labor cost savings, patient demographics, and intervention effectiveness.

The AvaSure platform, distinguished by its AI-powered continuous monitoring and episodic care, is recognized for its tangible clinical outcomes. By blending virtual and in-person workflows, clinicians can engage with patients remotely, enhancing care quality while reducing onsite workload.

AvaSure’s commitment to innovation is evident in its latest analytics portal release, demonstrating a dedication to customer satisfaction and technological advancement. The platform’s user-friendly approach enables clients to quantify the value of their virtual care programs and identify opportunities for enhancement.

In the face of rising healthcare demands, AvaSure’s Intelligent Virtual Care platform stands out as a transformative tool for hospitals. By leveraging advanced analytics and AI capabilities, AvaSure continues to pioneer solutions that prioritize patient safety and operational efficiency in the evolving healthcare landscape.

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