Telco Buzz

Samsung and Arm Collaborate to Boost 6G Software Development

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In a bid to expedite the advancement of 6G software, tech behemoth Samsung and chip design firm Arm have joined forces to delve into parallel packet processing technology.

This cooperative effort will see Samsung Research launching an open-source initiative in conjunction with Arm to collectively innovate and refine parallel packet processing technology. Regarded as a pivotal software component in next-gen communications, this technology is poised to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of communication systems, particularly amidst the escalating data volumes intrinsic to forthcoming communication paradigms.

With the objective of markedly accelerating the research and development trajectory preceding the impending surge of data catalyzed by 6G environments, the collaborative project marks a significant milestone in the realm of parallel technology evolution.

Jinguk Jeong, Executive Vice President at Samsung Research’s Advanced Communications Research Center (ACRC), emphasized the burgeoning importance of software technology in 6G communications. He underscored the pivotal role of innovation in managing the burgeoning data influx inherent to the domain.

The ACRC facility, dedicated to spearheading next-gen communication technology development, is deeply engaged in standardization efforts and research endeavors pertaining to 6G technologies and software solutions, including parallel packet processing and AI integration.

Mohamed Awad, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Infrastructure Line of Business at Arm, accentuated the indispensable role of power-efficient processing in meeting the burgeoning demands of AI-driven next-gen technologies such as 6G. Leveraging Arm’s expertise in high-performance, low-power computing, the collaboration with Samsung Research aims to expedite 6G software development and optimize AI infrastructure efficiency.

While the specifics of 6G remain undefined, the inevitability of its emergence underscores the imperative for advancing network capabilities. This collaborative venture between Samsung and Arm represents a concerted effort to catalyze groundwork establishment in anticipation of the impending 6G era, characterized by exponential increases in network data volume, fueled in part by AI-driven applications.

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