
Ericsson Unveils 5G Innovation Studio to Boost Thailand’s Digital Transformation

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Ericsson has articulated a compelling vision for facilitating Thailand’s digital transformation, capitalizing on its robust 5G infrastructure and global expertise. The company’s strategy aims to propel Thailand toward a digital economy.

Central to this initiative is the newly inaugurated 5G Innovation and Experience Studio at Thailand Digital Valley. This state-of-the-art facility, established in collaboration with the Royal Thai Government through the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA), serves as a co-creation space for 5G technologies.

Anders Rian, President of Ericsson Thailand, emphasized the platform’s potential: “5G is a platform for innovation. It enables new services for consumers, enterprises and industry. We remain committed to fostering partnerships and innovations to ensure that Thailand reaps the full benefits of a robust and sustainable 5G network.”

The studio features Ericsson’s advanced 5G sandbox network, designed to develop, test, verify, and certify new 5G use cases. Highlighted applications include Automated Mobile Robots (AMR), an Automated Production Machine with Mitsubishi, and 360-degree wearable CCTV cameras.

“We hope [the 5G Innovation and Experience Studio] will encourage new, innovative use cases in Thailand, leveraging the full potential of 5G. By working together with other ecosystem players, we will drive digital transformation that will benefit the Thai people, the economy, and the country,” Rian added.

Ericsson’s commitment to 5G technology and innovation places it at the forefront of Thailand’s digital evolution. The company’s initiatives promise to unlock new opportunities for businesses and consumers while significantly contributing to the broader Thai economy.

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