Vodafone and Kigen Launch Integrated iSIM for Better IoT

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Vodafone and Kigen have launched an integrated SIM (iSIM) service, enhancing IoT deployments. This collaboration integrates iSIM chipsets and modules into Kigen’s security package, enabling pre-loaded iSIM connectivity. The iSIM is optimized for Vodafone’s low-power wide-area (LPWA) networks, including NB-IoT and LTE-M, and extends to their roaming partners’ networks.

The partnership focuses on reducing the launch timeline and operational complexities for global IoT projects. By consolidating chip components, the new iSIM solution helps to decrease costs and streamline integration. Vodafone’s involvement through Vodafone Business IoT indicates their commitment to providing robust, secure, and efficient connectivity solutions for various industries.

Erik Brenneis, CEO at Vodafone IoT, emphasized the benefits: “Vodafone Business IoT has built a best-in-class iSIM connectivity service. This is particularly advantageous for applications using LPWA IoT networks. It can help businesses across industries simplify production, reduce costs, and save energy.”

Vincent Korstanje, CEO at Kigen, highlighted the efficiency of their solution: “Enterprises with a global focus are prioritizing rapid iSIM integration. Kigen’s iSIM ‘secure package’ enables manufacturers to distribute devices at scale, removing the traditional wait for SIMs, thus setting a new standard in secure IoT.”

This development positions Vodafone and Kigen as key players in advancing IoT technology by offering a more integrated and cost-effective solution, catering to sectors such as healthcare, logistics, and utilities. The industry will likely benefit from the streamlined deployment and enhanced security features that come with this new iSIM service.

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